Former CT Senator Kevin Rennie just appeared on Fox News in a report entitled Senator Chris Dodd plays "PEEK-A-BOO" with mortgage documents.
According to Senator Rennie, in Dodd's latest stunt related to his sweetheart mortgage deal he received as a "Friend of Angelo" Dodd allowed a select few reporters into his Hartford office to take a quick peek into some documents, mostly documents that are already on file with the local clerks in Connecticut and Washington DC. Reporters were allowed to peek at the documents briefly and no copying was allowed.
This latest PEEK-A-BOO stunt shows just how far Dodd is willing to go to conceal just how good the sweetheart deal he received really was. The public should be outraged over this latest stunt. To be in such a high elected office, one needs to expect that his finances are an open book. If Dodd wants to continue to keep his finances secret, then he should resign from office immediately.
The public deserves and should demand nothing less from their elected representatives.
Kevin Rennie should run for Governor. He pulls no punches regardless of the political party about which he writes. Nobody escapes unscathed, not Rell, not Dodd. Dodd is nothing but sleaze and in this state he will probably be reelected by the liberal extreme left without a serious challenge.
What do you say Ned Lamont? How about challenging Dodd?
It has taken only a few weeks to show that Obama, the silver tongued orator is all smoke and no fire! His judgment has been questioned by his unfortunate cabinet picks, His unfortunate pick to have dumbbell Pelosi write the stimulus package - Pelosi who said the coultry has shed 500 million jobs in a month ( more than the USA population ). Obama is finding out that it's easier to get elected than to do the job.
The Congressional Budget Office, (run by Democrats) has described Obama's stimulus package as a disaster that has no chance of working, but yet he and the left wing loons (Princess Pelosi and Prince Harry) keep trying to ram it through anyway.
Why not spend over $1 trillion of our hard earned tax dollars, even when your own budget office warns it has no chance of working???
After all, it is the wish of "The One."
More and more it is becoming obvious that we sent a boy to do a man's job, and this is not in any way meant as a reference to race. He is simply in way, way, way over his head as the least experienced person ever to be elected to the office in the history of this country.
The latest quote I heard from him, is that he is tired because the work and long hours have been too much for him. This after less than a month in office? Does he think the next 3 years and 11 months are going to be easier???
The latest report is that Mr. Obama is going to take to the road on Monday to campaign for support for his disastrous spending plan that will stimulate little more than the rapid growth of the federal government. The latest poll numbers show that only about 22% of the Amnerican people even support any form of a stimulus other than lowering taxes, but he plans to force a spending bill through anyway.
When the Congressional Budget Office is proven right, and the so called stimulus plan fails, the predictions are that by the end of this year you will see unemployment skyrocketing, and next year you can look forward to double digit inflation, you will have but one person to blame: "The One."
The stories emanating from the Obama administration get better all the time!
Senator Judd Gregg, Obama's nominee for Secretary of Commerce actually voted as US Senator to eliminate the Commerce Dept in 1995! Yes ladies and gentlemen, he voted to eliminate the department he will now be the head of! You can't make this stuff up. This administration gets more bazaar day by day.
The only surprise so far, is that we have not heard any claims that Gregg has been delinquent in his taxes, but then he wouldn't be, because he is a Republican! Not paying taxes seems to be a distinction reserved for the Democratic members of Obama's cabinet.
If Governor Schwarzenegger can furlough 238,000 California State employees on every Friday from now on, why can't Mayor Stewart do that same at city hall? Doesn't he have the same power to issue an executive order????????????????
see article:
Reporting from Sacramento -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday ordered mass layoffs and unpaid furloughs for state workers starting in February to address California's growing fiscal crisis.
Under his executive order, 238,000 employees will be forced to take off two unpaid days per month through June 30, 2010. Managers will receive either the furlough or an equivalent salary reduction during the same period. .............................. This is what happens when a bunch of liberals like you have in the California Legislature, give away money like it grows on trees. Sounds a lot like the New Britain City Council, doesn't it?
The only ones who seem to benefit from this spending bill masked as a stimulus package are Democratic Party insiders! All it dos is increase the number of people who will be dependent on the government for ever and brings this country one more step closer to total socialism.
I agree that President Obama the "Chosen One" has gotten off to a huge mis-step and appears ill-prepared to handle the office of the president. He ran a great campaign and appealed to the masses. They came out to vote in droves. People who never considered registering previously,lined up to cast their votes. They have all retreated to whatever it is they were doing before (alot of them a whole lot of nothing) now their waiting to for money to fall from the sky. The cookie jar in this country has run dry so it's time for good old fiscal conservatism. Not pork fat stimulas spending. As for Nancy Pelosi would someone please fire her or hide her or something! Can't stand to see her on my TV set.
You mean the "bottom feeders" that's just great. Everyone despised George Bush poor man couldn't even open up his mouth without being shot out of the gate. But gate keeper he was. I at least felt safer knowing he was the president. Obama wants everyone to get along in the sandbox. What "happy happy" idea.
Former CT Senator Kevin Rennie just appeared on Fox News in a report entitled Senator Chris Dodd plays "PEEK-A-BOO" with mortgage documents.
According to Senator Rennie, in Dodd's latest stunt related to his sweetheart mortgage deal he received as a "Friend of Angelo" Dodd allowed a select few reporters into his Hartford office to take a quick peek into some documents, mostly documents that are already on file with the local clerks in Connecticut and Washington DC. Reporters were allowed to peek at the documents briefly and no copying was allowed.
This latest PEEK-A-BOO stunt shows just how far Dodd is willing to go to conceal just how good the sweetheart deal he received really was. The public should be outraged over this latest stunt. To be in such a high elected office, one needs to expect that his finances are an open book. If Dodd wants to continue to keep his finances secret, then he should resign from office immediately.
The public deserves and should demand nothing less from their elected representatives.
The only people this isn't a bad deal for is those who don't work and live off the rest of us to support them with our ever increasing taxes.
Anonymous says...
Kevin Rennie should run for Governor. He pulls no punches regardless of the political party about which he writes. Nobody escapes unscathed, not Rell, not Dodd. Dodd is nothing but sleaze and in this state he will probably be reelected by the liberal extreme left without a serious challenge.
What do you say Ned Lamont? How about challenging Dodd?
Anonymous says:
It has taken only a few weeks to show that Obama, the silver tongued orator is all smoke and no fire! His judgment has been questioned by his unfortunate cabinet picks, His unfortunate pick to have dumbbell Pelosi write the stimulus package - Pelosi who said the coultry has shed 500 million jobs in a month ( more than the USA population ). Obama is finding out that it's easier to get elected than to do the job.
The Congressional Budget Office, (run by Democrats) has described Obama's stimulus package as a disaster that has no chance of working, but yet he and the left wing loons (Princess Pelosi and Prince Harry) keep trying to ram it through anyway.
Why not spend over $1 trillion of our hard earned tax dollars, even when your own budget office warns it has no chance of working???
After all, it is the wish of "The One."
More and more it is becoming obvious that we sent a boy to do a man's job, and this is not in any way meant as a reference to race. He is simply in way, way, way over his head as the least experienced person ever to be elected to the office in the history of this country.
The latest quote I heard from him, is that he is tired because the work and long hours have been too much for him. This after less than a month in office? Does he think the next 3 years and 11 months are going to be easier???
The latest report is that Mr. Obama is going to take to the road on Monday to campaign for support for his disastrous spending plan that will stimulate little more than the rapid growth of the federal government. The latest poll numbers show that only about 22% of the Amnerican people even support any form of a stimulus other than lowering taxes, but he plans to force a spending bill through anyway.
When the Congressional Budget Office is proven right, and the so called stimulus plan fails, the predictions are that by the end of this year you will see unemployment skyrocketing, and next year you can look forward to double digit inflation, you will have but one person to blame: "The One."
Pelosi who said the coultry has shed 500 million jobs in a month
Was that the 3 letter word:
J-O-B-S as the supersmart vice president put it?
The stories emanating from the Obama administration get better all the time!
Senator Judd Gregg, Obama's nominee for Secretary of Commerce actually voted as US Senator to eliminate the Commerce Dept in 1995! Yes ladies and gentlemen, he voted to eliminate the department he will now be the head of! You can't make this stuff up. This administration gets more bazaar day by day.
The only surprise so far, is that we have not heard any claims that Gregg has been delinquent in his taxes, but then he wouldn't be, because he is a Republican! Not paying taxes seems to be a distinction reserved for the Democratic members of Obama's cabinet.
If Governor Schwarzenegger can furlough 238,000 California State employees on every Friday from now on, why can't Mayor Stewart do that same at city hall? Doesn't he have the same power to issue an executive order????????????????
see article:
Reporting from Sacramento -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday ordered mass layoffs and unpaid furloughs for state workers starting in February to address California's growing fiscal crisis.
Under his executive order, 238,000 employees will be forced to take off two unpaid days per month through June 30, 2010. Managers will receive either the furlough or an equivalent salary reduction during the same period.
This is what happens when a bunch of liberals like you have in the California Legislature, give away money like it grows on trees. Sounds a lot like the New Britain City Council, doesn't it?
Welcome to the Socialist States of America!
The only ones who seem to benefit from this spending bill masked as a stimulus package are Democratic Party insiders! All it dos is increase the number of people who will be dependent on the government for ever and brings this country one more step closer to total socialism.
I agree that President Obama the "Chosen One" has gotten off to
a huge mis-step and appears ill-prepared to handle the office of the president. He ran a great campaign and appealed to the masses. They came out to vote in
droves. People who never considered registering previously,lined up to cast their votes. They have all retreated to
whatever it is they were doing before (alot of them a whole lot of
nothing) now their waiting to for
money to fall from the sky. The cookie jar in this country has run
dry so it's time for good old fiscal conservatism. Not pork fat
stimulas spending. As for Nancy
Pelosi would someone please fire
her or hide her or something! Can't
stand to see her on my TV set.
He's in Indiana right now promising to spread the wealth around to the people at the bottom.
You mean the "bottom feeders" that's just great. Everyone despised George Bush poor man couldn't even open up his mouth without being shot out of the gate.
But gate keeper he was. I at least
felt safer knowing he was the president. Obama wants everyone
to get along in the sandbox. What "happy happy" idea.
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