Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Special meeting tonight on Pinnacle Heights

The necessity for this meeting to be held tonight as the New Britain Herald announced; is an absolute waste of time since the developer and or purchaser will not be present as previously announced by our Mayor, in the presents of the common council members, that they will be on vacation and has rearranged their being available for the August 4th. meeting along with the public hearing already scheduled for the Hospital Garage issue.

Alderman Sherwood has been quoted saying "any company that has the resources to pay that much for land should have someone available during their vacation schedule".

This says much for the cheap political attempt, by the democratic majority, to make our mayor look bad with his being absent at tonight's meeting since he really has no reason to attend.


Anonymous said...

So what if the company cannot not make it? They can send spokesperson. What is the Mayor trying to hide?

Frank Smith said...

In response to the anonymous’ question asking what does the mayor have to hide?

He simply announced that the parties involved in the purchase are going to be away on vacation and that new arrangements made was that they are going to attend the August 4th. meeting along with the hospital garage issue.

I cannot fathom the smear you are attempting to insinuate that the Mayor is up to something.

He made a simple announcement and the majority members of the common council simply don’t like to be told anything by the Mayor of new arrangements having been made.

You may have been anonymous with your question however, you are the chief instigator member of the democratic council.

The Thorn said...

What is the urgency? Sounds just like the urgency to ram through a stimulus package that the Democrats in Congress never read.

How is waiting 2 weeks until August 4th when everyone involved can be present and answer any questions even remotely possible to be an attempt for the mayor to hide something? If the mayor were attempting to hide something as this misdirected person is attempting to allege, then he would answer questions on behalf of the company planning to purchase this property just as Alderman Sherwood suggested he should do in Sherwood's rather silly e-mail to all the Aldermen.

Someone here is playing some childish games, and it appears to me that it is all stemming from Alderman Sherwood and his crazy statements in that ridiculous e-mail he sent around in what appears to be an effort, albeit a childish one at that, to sandbag this deal and blame the mayor for its downfall.

This time we are on to you and your baby games, Mr. Sherwood.

Anonymous said...

So what if the company cannot not make it? They can send spokesperson. What is the Mayor trying to hide?

this is too funny....if the company sent a "spokesperson" who was not able to answer everything, they would then accuse the mayor of trying to hide something as well.

Bottom line, this must be an election year trick the dems are trying to pull off. I imagine the "what is the mayor trying to hide with Pinnacle Heights" issue will be a huge issue for the democratic challenger for the mayors ofice.

Former Democrat said...

The meeting at DiLoreto School this evening should be interesting. Aldermen Trueworthy and Sherwood have been informed the parties involved are on vacation, but set the meeting anyway. What are they planning on doing...sandbagging the potential buyers? I wasn't planning on attending, but now plan on it. For months, the Council kept tabling the original purchase of Pinnacle Heights, which caused the buyers to back out because of the state of the economy. Good planning!!! YUK!! How appropriate the meeting is being held at the Frank J. Doloreto school...Frank DiLoreto must be turning in his grave at the behavior of the current Democrats on the council.

Anonymous said...

How can you hold any meaningful meeting on the subject when you know ahead of time that the people who need to be there to answer any questions are not going to be there?

What can you possibly hope to accomplish knowing this ahead of time?

What a total waist of everyone's time by the Dumbocrats!

Anonymous said...

This "meeting" this evening at DiLoreto is for one purpose only; it is a prelude type of charade so that when Tim O'Brien announces his candidacy for Mayor on Saturday (7/18) he can have something negative to say about Stewart. Anybody remotely involved in NB politics can predict his speech, especially if they are members of of Local 1186 who refuse to give or offer concessions to help our budget problems. Never mind that O'Brien is part of our eunuchoid (impotent) state legislative delegation whose only suggestion is tax the rich, small businesses and anyone else is Connecticut. Never mind that he has never held a real job in his life (he's only fed off of the public trough). Yet, here he comes riding into town to tell NB that city hall is holding something back.
O'Brien's bosom buddies Trueworthy and Sherwood planned this debacle tonight in complete violation of FOI laws. They will trot out the same tired politicians of yesteryear who will say, "what about this or that?? Why are we being kept in the dark? And Tim O'Brien will say, "it's a shame that .......................... "I can make it better. Look at how good the Democrats have made everything for the state.
Trueworthy the babbler and Sherwood the conniver will give everybody nausea.
Make no mistake folks, it's a waste of everybody's time. Talk about stalling, where do you think the Council Democrats are going with this?

Anonymous said...


If you haven't learned by now, you never will. Council Democrats led by Trueworthy, Bielinski and Sherwood are not interested in anything but themselves. Not good government, not honesty and integrity, not the people of New Britain, not education, not property tax reform, NONE OF THESE. They are interested only in themselves and their communistic/socialistic leanings and their reelection. Watch them on TV and you will come to no other conclusion>

Anonymous said...

O'Brien and the rest of his fellow Democrats have done such a wonderful job in the legislature (a $9 billion deficit and demanding spending increases and jacking up taxes to record highs) why not elect him mayor and see how badly he will destroy the city?

Ready to see your property taxes quadruple in the first year to pay for all the socialist programs he loves so much??????

Anonymous said...

The liberals are just jealous that a fine and decent conservative like the mayor is so popular, and they know they have a snow ball's chance in hell of defeating him with one of their socialist candidates.

A. Taxpayer said...

I don't know how the mayor could put up with the nonsense from these idiots on the council year after year.

Anonymous said...

Frank: Thanks so much for providing New Britain Republicans what they desparately need: a mouthpiece to disseminate their message.

Where are those Rowland political hacks the Carvers (can you say corruption?) at crunch time?

I hope the mayor will be able to reward you once he dispenses with these liberals again.

Anonymous said...

I hope the mayor will be able to reward you once he dispenses with these liberals again...

If the liberals are dispensed with, the reward will not be so much to the mayor as it will be to all the taxpayers of New Britain who will no longer be forced through seizure of their assets (taxation) to fund all those socialist programs they love to spend our money on.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Frank: Thanks so much for providing New Britain Republicans what they desparately need: a mouthpiece to disseminate their message.


Correct me if I am wrong, I believe that everyone can post here. However it seems that when an opposing view of the socialist leadership at the DTC is offered up by a fellow democrat the left wing of the party goes ballistic and tries to purge the party of any opposing views (I.E. wall of shame, last year's throwing under the bus of the mayoral candidate, and even the Leslie Jacobs BOE vote. Now it seems Mr. Smith will need to look over his shoulder because of his issues with the Mattabasset District.

More socialist tactics Frank.

I think these clowns have awoken the sleeping giant that is the moderate majority in the DTC.

We will see @ election time I guess.

Anonymous said...

It is not much different from the vicious attacks against Sarah Palin. The more popular you and your views are, the more these left wing extremists attack you and try to silence you. They try to oppress anyone who dares disagree with their socialist/communist ideals.

Anonymous said...

To: The Thorn

You wrote about Sherwood's silly e-mail to the Council. Reread the first paragraph of that message and you will see what Sherwood is really like - ethnic, stereotyping bigotry is just one of his hateful socialistic traits. This trait runs deep in the, John McNamara led, socialistic NB Democratic Town Committee.

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