Monday, December 14, 2009

Broken promise: By Senator Dodd


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like anyone could beat Dodd in this election.

The public has had quite enough of his B.S. and bringing a clown like Biden to town to praise him will do little to help Dodd.

If it did, Joseph Biden III wouldn't be losing in the polls to an absolutely unheard of Republican in his Delaware Senate race for his whack job father's vacated Senate seated, would he?

The best thing Dodd could do for the Republicans is to keep bringing yoyos like Biden and Obama to town to campaign for him.

If you don't believe me, go ask the former Democratic Governor of New Jersey and Creigh Deeds, the Democrat who lost his race in Virginia. Obama made numerous campaign stops for both candidates, and each time Obama visited the state, the Democrat lost ground in the polls!

Anonymous said...

At least Joe Lieberman is listening to his constituents by promising to join Republicans in a filibuster if there is any type of "public option" in the bill!

Anonymous said...

God I wish I lived in CT. so I could vote that parsite out of office! You know, just maybe I could take a little vacation before the election, have ACORN register me, and then just mail my vote in. Sounds doable to me.

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