Obama could turn the ratings around almost overnight by ending this socialist takeover of our health care and our entire country and pushing huge tax cuts that would help create millions of jobs, but his life experience of sitting around a campus brainstorming with his fellow socialists has him actually believing that the government can and should control every aspect of our lives from the cradle to the grave.
Maybe he should have tried running a business before telling millions of others how to.
Hussein sure had a great year in any Communists book, and I’m sure all you commies out there are proud of his first 12 months in office. Enjoy it while you can.
Communism is always unpopular, that is why it requires lies, deception, and ultimately force to compel the governed into submission.
Obama could turn the ratings around almost overnight by ending this socialist takeover of our health care and our entire country and pushing huge tax cuts that would help create millions of jobs, but his life experience of sitting around a campus brainstorming with his fellow socialists has him actually believing that the government can and should control every aspect of our lives from the cradle to the grave.
Maybe he should have tried running a business before telling millions of others how to.
Those who can't, teach.
Hussein sure had a great year in any Communists book, and I’m sure all you commies out there are proud of his first 12 months in office. Enjoy it while you can.
We take our country back in just 10 months!
Obama didn't attend church on Christmas because he can't attend a service that worships himself--the ultimate savior.
That is the "religion free" Christmas Obama has been preaching about for the rest of us.
That is just another page out of the rules for radicals. Eliminate all religion as worship interferes with the communist agenda.
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