Wednesday, August 25, 2010

40 school jobs saved - The New Britain Herald (

By James Craven
Staff Writer


Anonymous said...

I am a teacher and attended the convocation on Monday It was good to see most of my friends back from vacation.

This convocation was the worse one yet. The total time Dr. Kurtz spoke was a hideous attempt to tell everyone that she is the greatest thing since sliced bread. And the blame for anything bad that happened in the school district was the fault of the BOE.
They approve everything !! This might be partly true but lets not blame the entire BOE. The democrats had the votes and followed the lead of Kurtz. Mrs. Kraczkowski and Mr Sanders tried to call the attention of BOE of the problems but were always voted down.

The Grant from the government saved many jobs but is presenting a bigger problem for the future. In a couple of years the Grant will run out and NB will be faced with a BIGGER problem.

Anonymous said...

Remember when John McNamara, Phil Sherwood, Michael Trueworthy and Tim O'Brien were all claiming that restoring $1.5 million to the budget would save 25 teaching positions? Why then does $4 million only save 40 positions, where they lying?

Anonymous said...

Were their lips moving? Then, they were lying.

Anonymous said...

It simply can't be that all $4.3 million was used to save 40 jobs especially since not all 40 were teachers.

Let's have an honest answer to where and how all that money went/was used.

Anonymous said...

The majority of it must be going to slush funds for the liberals!

Anonymous said...

School vouchers so that parents can choose where to send their children is the answer.

Who knows better what is best for your child, some overpaid--under worked bureaucrat or you?

If Democrats really cared about your children, they would be fighting for vouchers, instead they oppose them to continue supporting the unions over your children. Unions donate millions of dollars to their Democratic campaigns, so they sell your children down the river for the money.

Anonymous said...

People in this city should stop playing on their violins and crying a river. Every day we read about how outraged this one is and that one is, but when the votes are cast, that is the true story of how much the residents in this city are interested in changing what's going on. We vote Democratic nearly straight down the line and look at the problems we have. High taxes, out of control spending, politicians who are eager to keep writing the checks with money we simply don't have.

Take for instance the DiLoreto school 10 Million Dollar expansion. That's fine, the state is kicking in a big share and the rest will be a bond (loan) payable by us the taxpayers. Phil Sherwood wanted to spend more, doesn't like the plan because it lacks all the bells and whistles. He tried to take the project back to the drawing board to gain more money? Where does he get the money? And, Tim O'Brien he was at the bonding commission meeting the night of the vote, pimping his baby around the room, he wants to spend more of our money too! What does he care, it's all about taxpayer dollars it's how he provides for himself.

New Britain Residents, WAKE UP! stop your belly aching and do something about the politics in this city, this state and this country. Or stop your belly aching and PAY UP!

Anonymous said...

That money goes directly into the union coffers so they can use it to buy more Lib Dem Pols.

Anonymous said...

School vouchers are the answer!

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