Sunday, December 12, 2010

Alderman Carlozzi Speaks Rarely!


Carlos Carlozzi Jr., a Democratic Alderman and a business owner of an insurance agency who doesn’t play to the council cameras, like the Democratic leadership on our city council, but is there to represent his constituency and only speaks when the brattle continues on and on by the leadership with his making the much needed interruption in order to get back to the business at hand.

A classic example occurred at last week’s council meeting when the leadership went on and on over the Schaller planned purchase of the Veterans Drive property, for its expansion plans, with Alderman Carlozzi offering his input “it’s a win win for the city of New Britain.”

Forcing the council vote with one descending vote of no recorded by Alderman Adam Platosz.

So why all the Brattle by the leadership when they planned to vote for this issue anyway?


Anonymous said...

It appears Lord Sherwood just wants to hear himself talk.

Anonymous said...

It just what new Britain needs on it's board of Aldermen more business owners.

Mike W. said...

Alderman Carlozzi was an obvious independent thinker from day one. One has to wonder what others on his side think about him and how he will be treated by them if he decides he'd like to run again. I hope he will run again, and that he will also attract others that need to work for the benefit of all in our City from both sides.

Anonymous said...

I also hope that Alderman Carlozzi runs for the council again...he was 1 of 2 Dems I voted for last time. He follows his conscience, not playing "follow the leader". I hope other Dems on the Council follow his example.

Anonymous said...

Carlozzi has placed many a puppet vote. Don't be too impressed with him.

Anonymous said...

A Lib Dem is a Lib Dem. Just a matter of time before he turns on the public.

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