Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Britain City Getting Tough About Parking Ban - Courant.com

By: Don Stacom


Anonymous said...

NEW BRITAIN — With winter driving conditions deteriorating, the city of Nw Britain is banning overnight parking on dozens of streets indefinitely.

Cars parked on roads designated as snow emergency routes can be ticketed and towed, Mayor Timothy Stewart warned. Keeping those roads free of parked cars will ensure that plows can clear them and emergency vehicles can get through, city officials said.

Nicholas D. Mercier said...

I want to personally applaud the public works, fire, and police departments for their amazing work. I awoke this morning to find that Sexton Street (and other secondary roads) have been significantly widened. The snow banks on one side of entire streets had been cut back 3 to 4 feet, all the way to the curb.

I know how much time and effort must have gone into this clearing and it is appreciated.

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