Monday, February 9, 2009

Our view: Numbers that demand action on Obama's Stimulus - The Middletown Press (


  1. The President is on the road today, trying to sell the idea to people that SOCIALISM is the way to go.

    Despite history, he keeps trying to sell his plan to waste over $1 trillion dollars of American's hard earned money for a plan that even the Congressional Budget Office describes as a disaster that will most definitely fail. History here in the US and other Socialist countries has shown time and again that these spending packages do nothing to help the economy, and in fact create even a deeper depression due to the massive tax increases needed to pay for them.

    Business and economic leaders agree that the only thing the government could do to help fix the economy is to pass massive and immediate tax cuts--something Democrats are never willing to do because it reduces government intervention into all of our lives. If the government would simply reduce taxes on businesses and capital gains, businesses would have the money to hire more people and create more jobs. Fred Smith, CEO of FedEx made a public promise that if the business taxes were drastically reduced, he could hire 11,000 more people nationwide. Imagine how that figure would look when considering all American employers into the equation. I personally know of several employers who either eliminated jobs or eliminated job vacancies just at the threat of what these radical Democrats plan to due to employer's taxes.

    The Middletown Press is right, action is needed now! Action is needed to pass massive tax cuts and then the best thing the government could do is get out of the way of the private sector and let them run their businesses.

    This plan does little more than to offer billions of dollars in perks to groups (like ACORN) that supported the Democrats in the recent election and to grow the federal government to create more people who will be forever dependent on the government for entitlements. Is that what you want your hard earned tax dollars used for?

    The President needs to stop telling the world that the economy is a catastrophe in this country. The campaign is over and the job of the President is to offer confidence in the American people, not going around scaring away foreign investors with his scare tactics aimed at pushing his socialist agenda.

    The President keeps saying that doing nothing is not an option, but several of the most respected business leaders in America agree that doing nothing is a much better option than Obama's ridiculous socialist plan.

    I believe that Obama sincerely believes his plan is the answer because he is a socialist ideologue who seems to believe the central government should control every aspect of everyone's life--a direct contrast to the capitalist society this country was founded on. Capitalism, freedom and personal liberties have been what have separated us from the European socialist that President Obama seems to worship.

    Without these "rich fat cats" that the Democrats keep attacking, who is going to be left to pay the taxes to fund this socialist plan???

  2. Where's Joe?

    Senator Lieberman. YOU are the independent. YOU are the champion of small business. YOU are the champion of lower taxes.


    LARGE Government makes LARGE mistakes.

  3. Perhaps Obama should look into hiring Phil Sherwood...

  4. Frank,

    Here is another strand for you to pursue.....

    Press Still In the Liberal Tank

    It is amazing that "fair and balanced" doesn't exist even AFTER the press got their guy into the White House.

    OUR new president asks for bi-partisan support on the so called economic stimulus plan. The Republicans give the new president THEIR ideas, he turns around and says "hey. I won. The hell with your ideas" and then goes out into the hurting country and complains he is not getting his way and the Republicans are not losing their principles for "bipartisanship"?

    GOOD FOR THE R's. They FINALLY grew a pair!

    According to the press..... bipartisanship happens when the R's lose their principles and side with the liberals.

    It's partisanship when the R's stick to their principles. The liberals NEVER, EVER agree with conservative principles and NEVER EVER "compromised" to meet the conservatives "half way".

    When will it be partisanship when the new president and the liberals in congress DON'T COMPROMISE with the R's?

    The only good thing coming out of the election is that there are only three RINOs left (Snow, Collins, and Specter)!

    What weasels! "Cut" $100 B out of a ONE TRILLION dollar proposal and they call that a compromise????

    I can see how the Greek and Roman empires disintegrated. We are going down the same path.

  5. "I've never been able to understand why a Republican contributor is a 'fat cat' and a Democratic contributor of the same amount of money is a 'public-spirited philanthropist'. "
    Ronald Reagan
