Re. "Our View " ethics rules editorial. The change in New Britain's ethics ordinance advanced by Alderman Phil Sherwood was fraught with problems from the day of its introduction at a Council meeting. The original version was much more inclusive as to who would be affected. Sherwood himself indicated that night that there would have to be changes. Mayor Stewart asked Sherwood that night, "..., if you knew the ordinance needed changes why didn't you wait until you had a document that was not faulty?" The reason was in my opinion, the ordinance would be sent to subcommittee for discussion. So what, you might say? The so what is, subcommittee meetings are not video recorded nor do they require that a full complement of Council members be present. Thus, the discussion is limited - only 7 Council members, all Dems were present last Wednesday. Add to this the fact that the state legislature is working on ethics legislation that may conflict with local legislation with the potential of requiring yet more changes in the local ordinance.
You can bet assuredly that the ordinance's approval will be locked in at the Dem Caucus on monday evening. All this is redundant political chicanery and the usual politicking aimed at two, current Republican office holders.
Lou Salvio, Alderman said...Add to this the fact that the state legislature is working on ethics legislation that may conflict with local legislation with the potential of requiring yet more changes in the local ordinance.
Alderman Sherwood is following the latest DTC strategy
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull.
One thing I have learned about Alderman Salvio is that he tells it just like it is with blatant honesty and even some colorful language sometimes, but you will find his statements to be accurate.
In my opinion, I have yet to see the entire truth from Alderman Sherwood, the apparent defacto spokesman for the Democaratic party chairman. His statements always seem to have the liberal spin on them, and usually read like the talking points of the DTC.
If you want to know the truth about what is happening at city hall, just ask Alderman Salvio.
how would stating home(s) owned by elected officials, department heads or spouses or family members would have identified the campaign misfiling problem salvio had?
how would stating where elected officials or spouses or family members worked would have identified the campaign misfiling problem salvio had?
you guys are getting more and more pathetic.
now campaign filings or misfilings are ETHICS violations?
Response from a pissed off citizen:
Must be a posting from a left wing lunatic from the council, possibly Sherwack the phony himself. How could Lou Salvio ever dream up enough conflicts of interest to even come close to the number of conflicts Cantazro has and you looney tunes cover them all up. Would you cover up any that Salvio had? You are all phonies and the public is on to your sick baby games.
There are a growning number of us that are really fed up with the way you losers are wasting our hard earned tax dollars playing these wacko Marxist games. Boy do we need change.
Senate Ethics Bill 339 by State Senator. Edward Meyer, (D), 12th District, would require 169 municipalities like New Britain to adopt codes of Ethics that are consistent with a number of state-mandated provisions...
On 1/22/2009 the State Ethics Senate Bill 339 was Referred to Joint Committee on Government Administration and Elections...
Some time in November 2009 the final draft of Ethics Bill No. 339 affecting 169 towns and cities will surface for a final vote with required number (?) of state-mandated provisions... ugh!
New Britain Common Council Administration, Finance and Law Subcomittee: The Administration, Finance and Law Subcomittee meets on the First Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.
Nine (9) Subcomittee Members:
* Tonilynn Collins, Chair * Gregory Gerratana * Lawrence J. Hermanowski * Michael Trueworthy * Louis G. Salvio * Shirley Black * Suzanne Bielinski * Phil Sherwood * Eva Magnuszewsk
QUESTION: How many meetings has the Chair-person Tonilynn Collins missed!
* Tonilynn Collins, Chair * Gregory Gerratana * Lawrence J. Hermanowski * Michael Trueworthy * Louis G. Salvio * Shirley Black * Suzanne Bielinski * Phil Sherwood * Eva Magnuszewsk
What a list: One decent person outnumbers by 8 Marxist mushrooms!
My 2 Cents said... ... In my opinion, I have yet to see the entire truth from Alderman Sherwood, the apparent defacto spokesman for the Democaratic party chairman. His statements always seem to have the liberal spin on them, and usually read like the talking points of the DTC..... doesn't he belong to the ccag?
They always talk about clean elections without outside influence yet on their web page you find all these nice folks having a fund raiser for them. Who you might ask?
Congressman Chris Murphy Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz State Comptroller Nancy Wyman House Majority Leader Chris Donovan Sen. Donald DeFronzo; Rep. Betty Boukus; Rep. John Geragosian Rep. Tim O’Brien; Rep. Peter Tercyak
City Treasurer Teresa Sapieha-Yanchak; Mayor Pro Temp Suzanne Bielinski; Alderman Phil Sherwood; Alderwoman Tonilynn Collins; Alderwoman Eva Magnuzewski; Alderwoman Shirley Black; Alderwoman Sylvia Cruz; Alderman Larry Hermanowski; Alderman Greg Gerratana; Alderman Roy Centeno; Alderwoman Lori Rocha; Alderman Adam Platosz
in support of the Connecticut Citizen Action Group
Saturday, June 14th, 2008 1pm - 4pm At the Home of: Michael & Elena Trueworthy New Britain Common Council Majority Leader 383 Monroe Street New Britain, CT 06052 $30 Suggested Donation. Donations or gifts to CCAG are not tax deductible. Food, Fun and Friends Provided
thats weird, don't they promote canidates on their web site? might be legal but Phil is it ethical?????????????? Oh look Ms. Collins finds time for fundraisers but can't attend commitee meetings she chairs. .
Congressman Chris Murphy Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz State Comptroller Nancy Wyman House Majority Leader Chris Donovan Sen. Donald DeFronzo; Rep. Betty Boukus; Rep. John Geragosian Rep. Tim O’Brien; Rep. Peter Tercyak
City Treasurer Teresa Sapieha-Yanchak; Mayor Pro Temp Suzanne Bielinski; Alderman Phil Sherwood; Alderwoman Tonilynn Collins; Alderwoman Eva Magnuzewski; Alderwoman Shirley Black; Alderwoman Sylvia Cruz; Alderman Larry Hermanowski; Alderman Greg Gerratana; Alderman Roy Centeno; Alderwoman Lori Rocha; Alderman Adam Platosz
more like Sol Alinsky himself with that list of socialists.
Did you hear that Obama, the man who wants to take everything from the rich (anyone who works) and give it all to the poor (anyone who doesn't work) is in disbelief because the NY Times called him a socialist?
Obama is a terrific campaigner. His problem is the campaign ended and he won the office. Now he is clueless on how to run the country so his only option is to keep on campaigning where all he has to do is just read his teleprompter.
Ethics are based in truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability.
Just thought I would throw that out there.
In my "opinion" The New Britain Democratic Common Council members and the New Britain Herald have both lost site of that.
The Herald made a huge step with the recent investigative staff changes.
Now will reporting of the local New Britain Political scene change?
My hope is that the Herald will now report on issue's from all perspectives and become a paper that neither Party can claim as it's own or as "the enemy" but instead a news source that allows all the players in local issues to voice their views. Far to often stories were hyjacked by one special interest group or another.
Honest reporting sells long term newspaper subcscriptions. Playing break the latest scandal sells newspapers for a day.
I would love to see a section of the paper dedicated once a month to the Common Council meetings. With indepth reporting on the procedures, agendas, and legislation debated, passed or rejected. No matter how mundane.
Ben franklin once wrote:
"I grew convinced that truth, sincerity, and integrity in dealings between man and man were of the utmost importance to the felicity of life."
Rush Limbaugh asked a great question today about the government utopia that liberals promise will save us all.
Rush asked that if the government is so wonderful, that they will be the "all providing" for everyone, then why do government employees need a union to protect them from the government?
As Rush explained, if the government is such a panacea, then why do the people closest to the government need unions to protect themselves from the abuses of government?????
Mayor said... Fortunately we (my staff) had the wisdom to forsee economic problems coming back in the fall of '08 and ordered my staff citywide to stop all disctetionary spending, out-of-state travel and the hiring of nonessential employee position to create a surplus to cushion the city in the event of this economic collapse we are experiencing. We have taken a very conservative approach to budgeting during my tenure and are positioned well to absorb the potential revenue losses that the state government will hand us. I have also been actively talking to my unions to get their help for the upcoming years' budget. But the sky is not falling in NB and most of what other towns have done is strictly for press purposes and really not affecting the bottom lines of their budgets significantly. We are not experiencing any significant issues with revenues or expenditures so the need to react by laying off or furloughing cityworkers is not needed. Hope that helps Frank.
March 10, 2009 4:12 PM
Keep up the good work Mr. Mayor! You are demonstrating true leadership at a time when most levels of government are clueless what to do and are running around spending billions and trillions of dollars without any clue whether any of it will work. The fact that we in New Britain are in such good shape shows that you have led our city well in these tough fiscal times.
Anonymous said... If the mayor is so reliable, why hasn't he done anything to start the process to remove Catanzaro from office?
Catanzaro violated the city charter at the council meeting, in front of 14 other members of the council and the public when he spoke on, and then voted on his own ethics violation issued by the Ethics Commission. The city charter mandates that if an alderman votes on or speaks on his own issue, he "shall be subject to expulsion."
The entire incident was video taped and even televised, and he is even arrogant enough to admit that he spoke and voted on his own issue to two newspapers. He commented that if he didn't vote on it, he couldn't speak on it, but both activities are direct violations of the same article of the city charter.
Since the rest of the aldermen are not willing to fulfill their sworn duty by removing this miscreant from office, it is about time for the mayor to do something to rectify this situation.
Perhaps it is time to bring in the state to investigate the rest of the city council for failing to perform the duty for which they swore an oath to perform.
Do you remember that oath Mr. & Ms. Aldermen? Support the constitutions of the United States, the State of Connecticut and the Charter of the City of New Britain?
How about the part about performing your duties to the best of your abilities, so help you God?
To revise the corporate governance provisions applicable to the Roman Catholic Church and provide for the investigation of the misappropriation of funds by religious corporations.
The problem is also with the Church Parishioners who started this with Senate Bill 1098. Of course, no one is holding a gun to their head forcing them to attend and donate to this or any other Church.
If they don’t like the way the Church is run - they are free to go elsewhere. Are they not?
These few Parishioners are obviously Democrats and further demonstrate a Democrats inability to have regard for anything but their own selfish agenda.
Even though the public hearing on SB 1098 has been canceled, many churches and people are still planning to show up in order to drive home the point that SB 1098 is unacceptable.
WTIC reports that several Republican lawmakers says they’re outraged by the cancellation and they’ll hold their own hearing so hundreds of Catholics expected to descend on the Capitol can have their voices heard.
A determined yet peaceful group may make our legislators think twice before trying to pass unconstitutional laws - like SB 1098.
More than 4,000 Catholics from around the state stood in the drizzle on the north lawn of the state Capitol in Hartford this Wednesday morning to protest SB 1098 that would have changed the way the church governs itself.
So...let me get this straight...two openly gay CT state legislators propose a law that will significantly impact/restrict the operation of the Roman Catholic Church, an institution known for its pro "traditional family" beliefs...that some might construe as being anti-gay.
If we weren't so stupid, I might think these clowns had an agenda like NB resident Phil Sherwood political agenda - Ethics!
Our perception is that these three clowns don't represent the best interest of the majority of Connecticut residents, just their own personal issues based on their own sexuality...
A thinly-veiled attempt to silence the Catholic Church on the important issues of the day, such as same-sex marriage. Indeed, it is payback: this brutal act of revenge by Lawlor and McDonald, two champions of gay marriage, is designed to muzzle the voice of the Catholic Church with SB 1098.
Anti-bigotry Catholic League spoksperson Bill Donohue got it right when he said that the SB 1098 only singles out the Catholic Church — no other religion has been targeted — and both Lawlor and McDonald have demonstrated that they are ethically unfit to continue as lawmakers.
They have evinced a bias so strong against the Catholic Church, and so malicious, that it compromises their ability to serve in the public area.
It's nice to see the Catholic Church--or any church, for that matter--look for protection under the First Amendment. It's a rare thing when the churches, or their congregants, aren't telling the rest of us how to live or what to think.
A brand new poll out today showed that Rush Limbaugh is held in a favorable position by roughly 33% of all Americans. That means that roughly 100 million Americans look up to Rush Limbaugh!
The report, issued today, also showed that the White House has actually helped increase Rush's popularity by trying to engineer that phony rift between Rush and National Party Chairman Michael Steele. The liberal media's constant harping on this phony issue is also free adverstising that even Rush could never afford to buy-even with his $880 million contract!
It looks like Rush will have to thank President Obama for helping to up his ratings!
We don't think much of most of the Church hierarchy, but this bill was really ridiculous.
Aside from a patent lack of constitutionality (which should have immediately occurred to the sponsors), it plays right into the hands of those who would just love to exploit such a pointless and silly move, as well as those (such as William Donohue) who see Diocletian behind every door.
What on earth were Messrs. Lawlor and McDonald thinking -assuming they were?
Anonymous said... For: " Anonymous said" from Anonymous also says;
Consider this; What do you suppose McNamara The Lesser, or Sherwack, or Truebabbler would say and do if the Mayor, Salvio or Bernacki introduced a resolution to remove Alderman COI (Conflict of Interest) Catanzaro from the Council? Sherwack would love it! It would get the Dems off the hook and then they could squash the motion. Then the bloggers would start all over again and ........
Considering that Catanzaro committed an offense that is mandated by the charter that he be removed from office and did so in the presence of the 13 Democrats, we would then have the ability to bring an action against the Alermen who voted against his removal for dereliction of their sworn duty.
Let's recap:
1...They each swore to uphold the charter of the City of New Britain.
2...Catanzaro committed a violation of the charter which dictates that any alderman who violates this section shall be subject to expulsion and did so in front of each and every one of them and in public, on video tape and also televised, so how can they deny it happened. He even told reporters that he voted on his own ethics violation so that he could speak on his own issue, a separate violation of the charter for which expulsion is also the penalty.
3...any alderman who votes against Catanzaro's expulsion is violating his/her own oath of office to uphold the Charter of the City of New Britain and should be the subject of their own case for removal from office.
If they continue to refuse to perform their sworn duty, we will need to turn to the State of Connecticut for assistance in removing them all from office. They seem to think they are untouchable as if they are in some exclusive club, but the taxpayers and the voters have a right to expect them to obey the law--especially when they swore an oath to do so.
What these Democrats have apparently not learned yet, is that no one is above the law and maybe we need to solicit some help from state officials to teach them that very important lesson!
Over the years, I have heard from various long time, reliable residents of New Britain, that there is a village of pygmies on top of North Mountain Road, next to the former Nike Base...actually this is located in Plainville. Can the Herald do some investagative reporting to find out how true this is? This would make a fascinating story.
The old saying that "you get what what you pay for " applies here in New Britain. Most people here in Ct. have chosen to elect far left loons to office at the local, state and federal government positions without realizing that their whole hidden agenda is to change the whole social,ethic and moral fabric here in New Britain and Ct.
This situation is also prevalent in most other states as well since Obama and his cronies have gained control of the congress, senate and judicial systems.
Wake up people before it's too late. Just look around the world and see examples of what socialist ideas have done to other countries i.e. Russia, Cuba, China, Venezuela just to name a few.
…No member of the Common Council shall be heard to speak upon, nor shall be allowed to vote upon, nor shall be appointed a member of any committee to consider, any matter in which the member has a direct pecuniary interest. Any violation of this provision shall be grounds for expulsion of any member violating the same….
Are 'Hope' And 'Change' Still Tax-Deductible? By Ann Coulter
Are you sitting down? Obama plans to pay for his $3.6 trillion-dollar spending bill by raising taxes on "the rich." I know, I know ... I was pretty shocked, too.
The bad news is, by hiking taxes in a recession, Obama will turn a disaster into a catastrophe. But there's good news, too. The "rich" include most of Obama's biggest supporters.
While liberals love being praised for their looks, their style, their brilliance and their courage, the one quality they don't want talked about is their money. To the contrary, Democrats are constantly boasting about how poor they are -- as if that's a virtue in a capitalist society with no class barriers.
No matter how much money they have, liberals will be damned if they're giving up the poor's mantle of angry self-righteousness. This is especially true if their wealth came by inheritance, marriage or the taxpayer, the preferred sources of income for Liberalus Americanus.
Democrats' claims of poverty merely serve to show how out of touch elected Democrats are with actual incomes in America.
President Obama recently compared the stock market plunge to the fluctuations in political polls - ignoring the fact that real people are losing real money when the market slides. And Senator Chuck Schumer said on the Senate Floor that the American people don't care about the "pork barrel" projects in the "stimulus" bill.
President Obama and Liberal Democrats in Congress don't seem to grasp the fact that since the Democrats took total control in Washington, the stock market has lost over 20% of its value. And over 50 million middle class Americans have lost a huge amount of their life savings.
The Democrats' wrongheaded economic policies and their apparent lack of understanding for the pain hard working Americans are feeling is being handled with kid gloves by the liberal mainstream media. They refuse to hold President Obama and company accountable for their actions and words.
Many Americans are looking to the new administration to solve our economic problems. Unfortunately, that is probably a vain hope. Although we were promised "change," we are only getting a continuation of the same superficial economic fixes that have damaged so many economies in the past, and that will only delay the return of prosperity.
These fixes are based on the false belief that the free-market economy has failed. But it is not the market that has failed. It is intervention into the market that has failed. The Federal Reserve and its manipulation of money and interest rates have failed. None of this can be blamed on the free market.
I don't believe pork barrel projects are kosher, and that story about the tribe of pygmies sounds equally suspect. Yes, we need some ethics. Ethics will save us! The H.M.S. M. Jodi Titanic just struck a financial iceberg, so I propose all the men gather for a meeting in the parlor and draft an ethics bill at once, do you hear!
To Mr. Schroeder:
Re. "Our View " ethics rules editorial. The change in New Britain's ethics ordinance advanced by Alderman Phil Sherwood was fraught with problems from the day of its introduction at a Council meeting. The original version was much more inclusive as to who would be affected. Sherwood himself indicated that night that there would have to be changes. Mayor Stewart asked Sherwood that night, "..., if you knew the ordinance needed changes why didn't you wait until you had a document that was not faulty?"
The reason was in my opinion, the ordinance would be sent to subcommittee for discussion. So what, you might say? The so what is, subcommittee meetings are not video recorded nor do they require that a full complement of Council members be present. Thus, the discussion is limited - only 7 Council members, all Dems were present last Wednesday.
Add to this the fact that the state legislature is working on ethics legislation that may conflict with local legislation with the potential of requiring yet more changes in the local ordinance.
You can bet assuredly that the ordinance's approval will be locked in at the Dem Caucus on monday evening. All this is redundant political chicanery and the usual politicking aimed at two, current Republican office holders.
Alderman Lou Salvio
Lou Salvio, Alderman said...Add to this the fact that the state legislature is working on ethics legislation that may conflict with local legislation with the potential of requiring yet more changes in the local ordinance.
Alderman Sherwood is following the latest DTC strategy
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull.
One thing I have learned about Alderman Salvio is that he tells it just like it is with blatant honesty and even some colorful language sometimes, but you will find his statements to be accurate.
In my opinion, I have yet to see the entire truth from Alderman Sherwood, the apparent defacto spokesman for the Democaratic party chairman. His statements always seem to have the liberal spin on them, and usually read like the talking points of the DTC.
If you want to know the truth about what is happening at city hall, just ask Alderman Salvio.
He will never let you down.
Ok kool aid drinker....
how would stating home(s) owned by elected officials, department heads or spouses or family members would have identified the campaign misfiling problem salvio had?
how would stating where elected officials or spouses or family members worked would have identified the campaign misfiling problem salvio had?
you guys are getting more and more pathetic.
now campaign filings or misfilings are ETHICS violations?
take care of YOUR problems first.
Anonymous said...
Response from a pissed off citizen:
Must be a posting from a left wing lunatic from the council, possibly Sherwack the phony himself. How could Lou Salvio ever dream up enough conflicts of interest to even come close to the number of conflicts Cantazro has and you looney tunes cover them all up. Would you cover up any that Salvio had? You are all phonies and the public is on to your sick baby games.
There are a growning number of us that are really fed up with the way you losers are wasting our hard earned tax dollars playing these wacko Marxist games. Boy do we need change.
Senate Ethics Bill 339 by State Senator. Edward Meyer, (D), 12th District, would require 169 municipalities like New Britain to adopt codes of Ethics that are consistent with a number of state-mandated provisions...
On 1/22/2009 the State Ethics Senate Bill 339 was Referred to Joint Committee on Government Administration and Elections...
Some time in November 2009 the final draft of Ethics Bill No. 339 affecting 169 towns and cities will surface for a final vote with required number (?) of state-mandated provisions... ugh!
I can't wait for election day. The one day in a 2 year cycle when my opinion will matter to these wackos.
All we can do is muster enough support to vote a number of them out of office.
New Britain Common Council Administration, Finance and Law Subcomittee: The Administration, Finance and Law Subcomittee meets on the First Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.
Nine (9) Subcomittee Members:
* Tonilynn Collins, Chair
* Gregory Gerratana
* Lawrence J. Hermanowski
* Michael Trueworthy
* Louis G. Salvio
* Shirley Black
* Suzanne Bielinski
* Phil Sherwood
* Eva Magnuszewsk
QUESTION: How many meetings has the Chair-person Tonilynn Collins missed!
* Tonilynn Collins, Chair
* Gregory Gerratana
* Lawrence J. Hermanowski
* Michael Trueworthy
* Louis G. Salvio
* Shirley Black
* Suzanne Bielinski
* Phil Sherwood
* Eva Magnuszewsk
What a list: One decent person outnumbers by 8 Marxist mushrooms!
My 2 Cents said... ... In my opinion, I have yet to see the entire truth from Alderman Sherwood, the apparent defacto spokesman for the Democaratic party chairman. His statements always seem to have the liberal spin on them, and usually read like the talking points of the DTC.....
doesn't he belong to the ccag?
They always talk about clean elections without outside influence yet on their web page you find all these nice folks having a fund raiser for them. Who you might ask?
Congressman Chris Murphy
Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz
State Comptroller Nancy Wyman
House Majority Leader Chris Donovan
Sen. Donald DeFronzo; Rep. Betty Boukus; Rep. John Geragosian
Rep. Tim O’Brien; Rep. Peter Tercyak
City Treasurer Teresa Sapieha-Yanchak; Mayor Pro Temp Suzanne Bielinski; Alderman Phil Sherwood; Alderwoman Tonilynn Collins; Alderwoman Eva Magnuzewski; Alderwoman Shirley Black; Alderwoman Sylvia Cruz; Alderman Larry Hermanowski; Alderman Greg Gerratana; Alderman Roy Centeno; Alderwoman Lori Rocha; Alderman Adam Platosz
in support of the
Connecticut Citizen Action Group
Saturday, June 14th, 2008
1pm - 4pm
At the Home of: Michael & Elena Trueworthy
New Britain Common Council Majority Leader
383 Monroe Street
New Britain, CT 06052
$30 Suggested Donation. Donations or gifts to CCAG are not tax deductible.
Food, Fun and Friends Provided
thats weird, don't they promote canidates on their web site? might be legal but Phil is it ethical?????????????? Oh look Ms. Collins finds time for fundraisers but can't attend commitee meetings she chairs.
but Phil is it ethical??????????????
Just another example of what a phony Phil is!!!!
Congressman Chris Murphy
Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz
State Comptroller Nancy Wyman
House Majority Leader Chris Donovan
Sen. Donald DeFronzo; Rep. Betty Boukus; Rep. John Geragosian
Rep. Tim O’Brien; Rep. Peter Tercyak
City Treasurer Teresa Sapieha-Yanchak; Mayor Pro Temp Suzanne Bielinski; Alderman Phil Sherwood; Alderwoman Tonilynn Collins; Alderwoman Eva Magnuzewski; Alderwoman Shirley Black; Alderwoman Sylvia Cruz; Alderman Larry Hermanowski; Alderman Greg Gerratana; Alderman Roy Centeno; Alderwoman Lori Rocha; Alderman Adam Platosz
Who is the key note speaker?
William Ayers?
Anonymous said...
Who is the key note speaker?
William Ayers?
more like Sol Alinsky himself with that list of socialists.
Did you hear that Obama, the man who wants to take everything from the rich (anyone who works) and give it all to the poor (anyone who doesn't work) is in disbelief because the NY Times called him a socialist?
The truth apparently does hurt.
Obama is a terrific campaigner. His problem is the campaign ended and he won the office. Now he is clueless on how to run the country so his only option is to keep on campaigning where all he has to do is just read his teleprompter.
Ethics are based in truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability.
Just thought I would throw that out there.
In my "opinion" The New Britain Democratic Common Council members and the New Britain Herald have both lost site of that.
The Herald made a huge step with the recent investigative staff changes.
Now will reporting of the local New Britain Political scene change?
My hope is that the Herald will now report on issue's from all perspectives and become a paper that neither Party can claim as it's own or as "the enemy" but instead a news source that allows all the players in local issues to voice their views. Far to often stories were hyjacked by one special interest group or another.
Honest reporting sells long term newspaper subcscriptions. Playing break the latest scandal sells newspapers for a day.
I would love to see a section of the paper dedicated once a month to the Common Council meetings. With indepth reporting on the procedures, agendas, and legislation debated, passed or rejected. No matter how mundane.
Ben franklin once wrote:
"I grew convinced that truth, sincerity, and integrity in dealings between man and man were of the utmost importance to the felicity of life."
Please put NEW BRITAIN back into the Herald.
Anonymous said...
Ethics are based in truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability.
There are only two members of the common council who would even understand what these complicated terms mean, never mind exhibiting any of them.
Got any clues which 2?
Rush Limbaugh asked a great question today about the government utopia that liberals promise will save us all.
Rush asked that if the government is so wonderful, that they will be the "all providing" for everyone, then why do government employees need a union to protect them from the government?
As Rush explained, if the government is such a panacea, then why do the people closest to the government need unions to protect themselves from the abuses of government?????
Think the liberals have an answer for this one???
Mayor said...
Fortunately we (my staff) had the wisdom to forsee economic problems coming back in the fall of '08 and ordered my staff citywide to stop all disctetionary spending, out-of-state travel and the hiring of nonessential employee position to create a surplus to cushion the city in the event of this economic collapse we are experiencing. We have taken a very conservative approach to budgeting during my tenure and are positioned well to absorb the potential revenue losses that the state government will hand us.
I have also been actively talking to my unions to get their help for the upcoming years' budget. But the sky is not falling in NB and most of what other towns have done is strictly for press purposes and really not affecting the bottom lines of their budgets significantly. We are not experiencing any significant issues with revenues or expenditures so the need to react by laying off or furloughing cityworkers is not needed. Hope that helps Frank.
March 10, 2009 4:12 PM
Keep up the good work Mr. Mayor!
You are demonstrating true leadership at a time when most levels of government are clueless what to do and are running around spending billions and trillions of dollars without any clue whether any of it will work. The fact that we in New Britain are in such good shape shows that you have led our city well in these tough fiscal times.
Anonymous said...
If the mayor is so reliable, why hasn't he done anything to start the process to remove Catanzaro from office?
Catanzaro violated the city charter at the council meeting, in front of 14 other members of the council and the public when he spoke on, and then voted on his own ethics violation issued by the Ethics Commission. The city charter mandates that if an alderman votes on or speaks on his own issue, he "shall be subject to expulsion."
The entire incident was video taped and even televised, and he is even arrogant enough to admit that he spoke and voted on his own issue to two newspapers. He commented that if he didn't vote on it, he couldn't speak on it, but both activities are direct violations of the same article of the city charter.
Since the rest of the aldermen are not willing to fulfill their sworn duty by removing this miscreant from office, it is about time for the mayor to do something to rectify this situation.
Perhaps it is time to bring in the state to investigate the rest of the city council for failing to perform the duty for which they swore an oath to perform.
Do you remember that oath Mr. & Ms. Aldermen? Support the constitutions of the United States, the State of Connecticut and the Charter of the City of New Britain?
How about the part about performing your duties to the best of your abilities, so help you God?
Sound familiar?
Senate Bill 1098 Statement of Purpose:
To revise the corporate governance provisions applicable to the Roman Catholic Church and provide for the investigation of the misappropriation of funds by religious corporations.
The problem is also with the Church Parishioners who started this with Senate Bill 1098. Of course, no one is holding a gun to their head forcing them to attend and donate to this or any other Church.
If they don’t like the way the Church is run - they are free to go elsewhere. Are they not?
These few Parishioners are obviously Democrats and further demonstrate a Democrats inability to have regard for anything but their own selfish agenda.
Even though the public hearing on SB 1098 has been canceled, many churches and people are still planning to show up in order to drive home the point that SB 1098 is unacceptable.
WTIC reports that several Republican lawmakers says they’re outraged by the cancellation and they’ll hold their own hearing so hundreds of Catholics expected to descend on the Capitol can have their voices heard.
A determined yet peaceful group may make our legislators think twice before trying to pass unconstitutional laws - like SB 1098.
Hartford - 03/11/08...
More than 4,000 Catholics from around the state stood in the drizzle on the north lawn of the state Capitol in Hartford this Wednesday morning to protest SB 1098 that would have changed the way the church governs itself.
So...let me get this straight...two openly gay CT state legislators propose a law that will significantly impact/restrict the operation of the Roman Catholic Church, an institution known for its pro "traditional family" beliefs...that some might construe as being anti-gay.
If we weren't so stupid, I might think these clowns had an agenda like NB resident Phil Sherwood political agenda - Ethics!
Our perception is that these three clowns don't represent the best interest of the majority of Connecticut residents, just their own personal issues based on their own sexuality...
A thinly-veiled attempt to silence the Catholic Church on the important issues of the day, such as same-sex marriage. Indeed, it is payback: this brutal act of revenge by Lawlor and McDonald, two champions of gay marriage, is designed to muzzle the voice of the Catholic Church with SB 1098.
Anti-bigotry Catholic League spoksperson Bill Donohue got it right when he said that the SB 1098 only singles out the Catholic Church — no other religion has been targeted — and both Lawlor and McDonald have demonstrated that they are ethically unfit to continue as lawmakers.
They have evinced a bias so strong against the Catholic Church, and so malicious, that it compromises their ability to serve in the public area.
It's nice to see the Catholic Church--or any church, for that matter--look for protection under the First Amendment. It's a rare thing when the churches, or their congregants, aren't telling the rest of us how to live or what to think.
A brand new poll out today showed that Rush Limbaugh is held in a favorable position by roughly 33% of all Americans. That means that roughly 100 million Americans look up to Rush Limbaugh!
The report, issued today, also showed that the White House has actually helped increase Rush's popularity by trying to engineer that phony rift between Rush and National Party Chairman Michael Steele. The liberal media's constant harping on this phony issue is also free adverstising that even Rush could never afford to buy-even with his $880 million contract!
It looks like Rush will have to thank President Obama for helping to up his ratings!
We don't think much of most of the Church hierarchy, but this bill was really ridiculous.
Aside from a patent lack of constitutionality (which should have immediately occurred to the sponsors), it plays right into the hands of those who would just love to exploit such a pointless and silly move, as well as those (such as William Donohue) who see Diocletian behind every door.
What on earth were Messrs. Lawlor and McDonald thinking -assuming they were?
Anonymous said...
For: " Anonymous said" from Anonymous also says;
Consider this; What do you suppose McNamara The Lesser, or Sherwack, or Truebabbler would say and do if the Mayor, Salvio or Bernacki introduced a resolution to remove Alderman COI (Conflict of Interest) Catanzaro from the Council? Sherwack would love it! It would get the Dems off the hook and then they could squash the motion. Then the bloggers would start all over again and ........
Considering that Catanzaro committed an offense that is mandated by the charter that he be removed from office and did so in the presence of the 13 Democrats, we would then have the ability to bring an action against the Alermen who voted against his removal for dereliction of their sworn duty.
Let's recap:
1...They each swore to uphold the charter of the City of New Britain.
2...Catanzaro committed a violation of the charter which dictates that any alderman who violates this section shall be subject to expulsion and did so in front of each and every one of them and in public, on video tape and also televised, so how can they deny it happened. He even told reporters that he voted on his own ethics violation so that he could speak on his own issue, a separate violation of the charter for which expulsion is also the penalty.
3...any alderman who votes against Catanzaro's expulsion is violating his/her own oath of office to uphold the Charter of the City of New Britain and should be the subject of their own case for removal from office.
If they continue to refuse to perform their sworn duty, we will need to turn to the State of Connecticut for assistance in removing them all from office.
They seem to think they are untouchable as if they are in some exclusive club, but the taxpayers and the voters have a right to expect them to obey the law--especially when they swore an oath to do so.
What these Democrats have apparently not learned yet, is that no one is above the law and maybe we need to solicit some help from state officials to teach them that very important lesson!
Why are you Catholics resisting having the state government take over your churches? Haven't you been paying attention to the message of your Mesiah?
He apparently believes government should control all aspects of your life, so why do you oppose government running your church?
How about a totally different topic?
Over the years, I have heard from various long time, reliable residents of New Britain, that there is a village of pygmies on top of North Mountain Road, next to the former Nike Base...actually this is located in Plainville. Can the Herald do some investagative reporting to find out how true this is? This would make a fascinating story.
The old saying that "you get what what you pay for " applies here in New Britain. Most people here in Ct. have chosen to elect far left loons to office at the local, state and federal government positions without realizing that their whole hidden agenda is to change the whole social,ethic and moral fabric here in New Britain and Ct.
This situation is also prevalent in most other states as well since Obama and his cronies have gained control of the congress, senate and judicial systems.
Wake up people before it's too late. Just look around the world and see examples of what socialist ideas have done to other countries i.e. Russia, Cuba, China, Venezuela just to name a few.
City of New Britain Charter, Section 4-7:
…No member of the Common Council shall be heard to speak upon, nor shall be allowed to vote upon, nor shall be appointed a member of any committee to consider, any matter in which the member has a direct pecuniary interest. Any violation of this provision shall be grounds for expulsion of any member violating the same….
Are 'Hope' And 'Change' Still Tax-Deductible?
By Ann Coulter
Are you sitting down? Obama plans to pay for his $3.6 trillion-dollar spending bill by raising taxes on "the rich." I know, I know ... I was pretty shocked, too.
The bad news is, by hiking taxes in a recession, Obama will turn a disaster into a catastrophe. But there's good news, too. The "rich" include most of Obama's biggest supporters.
While liberals love being praised for their looks, their style, their brilliance and their courage, the one quality they don't want talked about is their money. To the contrary, Democrats are constantly boasting about how poor they are -- as if that's a virtue in a capitalist society with no class barriers.
No matter how much money they have, liberals will be damned if they're giving up the poor's mantle of angry self-righteousness. This is especially true if their wealth came by inheritance, marriage or the taxpayer, the preferred sources of income for Liberalus Americanus.
Democrats' claims of poverty merely serve to show how out of touch elected Democrats are with actual incomes in America.
Everytime I hear about Bernie Madoff, I think of Colonial Realty for some reason.
Maybe if Mr. Madoff moved to New Britain, the council would have an appointment for him too!
What $80 million project would Sherwood put Madoff in charge of?
President Obama recently compared the stock market plunge to the fluctuations in political polls - ignoring the fact that real people are losing real money when the market slides. And Senator Chuck Schumer said on the Senate Floor that the American people don't care about the "pork barrel" projects in the "stimulus" bill.
President Obama and Liberal Democrats in Congress don't seem to grasp the fact that since the Democrats took total control in Washington, the stock market has lost over 20% of its value. And over 50 million middle class Americans have lost a huge amount of their life savings.
The Democrats' wrongheaded economic policies and their apparent lack of understanding for the pain hard working Americans are feeling is being handled with kid gloves by the liberal mainstream media. They refuse to hold President Obama and company accountable for their actions and words.
Many Americans are looking to the new administration to solve our economic problems. Unfortunately, that is probably a vain hope. Although we were promised "change," we are only getting a continuation of the same superficial economic fixes that have damaged so many economies in the past, and that will only delay the return of prosperity.
These fixes are based on the false belief that the free-market economy has failed. But it is not the market that has failed. It is intervention into the market that has failed. The Federal Reserve and its manipulation of money and interest rates have failed. None of this can be blamed on the free market.
I don't believe pork barrel projects are kosher, and that story about the tribe of pygmies sounds equally suspect.
Yes, we need some ethics. Ethics will save us! The H.M.S. M. Jodi Titanic just struck a financial iceberg, so I propose all the men gather for a meeting in the parlor and draft an ethics bill at once, do you hear!
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