Thursday, May 14, 2009

Larson backs longer terms - The New Britain Herald (

Larson backs longer terms - The New Britain Herald ( Steve Collins


  1. New Britain Town CrierMay 14, 2009 at 4:29 PM

    Instead of 4 year terms, I think most Americans would support term limits for Congressmen and Senators.

    Our founding fathers never intended the Congress to be used to build their own wealth and power at the expense of the taxpayers. In the early days of this nation, they went to Congress fulfilled their term and then returned home to run their farm or other business. Congress was never meant to be a career, and that is what is wrong with America today.

    Let's amend the constitution, but not for longer terms, instead for term limits for all Congressmen and Senators. Why not 2 terms, just like the President's term limit?

  2. Term limits for Congress, now that is change we can believe in!

  3. What we need is Term Limits..Congressman Larson...

    The limit in the House of Representative is three terms - six years and your history.

    And in the Senate - two terms - 12 years and your history.

  4. This just shows how out of control these Congressmen are with their attempt to gain power, and how really out of touch with the public that they are.

    As I understand it, the states have the power to amend the Constitution.
    It would take 2/3 of the state legislatures to ratify such an amendment, so maybe the time has come to get such a movement going.

    Since 35 states are passing sovereignty acts, those same 35 states would most likely vote to limit the terms in Congress, even though we know that Connecticut is a lost cause.

  5. easier solution> dump Larson

  6. If there were term limits, would Dodd be as unscrupulous as he appears to be today? They start out as idealistic, than get to the point of feeling they are indispensable and everything is theirs for the taking.

  7. Larson is a good Catholic. Think he is amused by the pictures of a Catholic priest being dragged along the ground for trespassing at a church facility??

    After all, how dare a priest support life, especially at a church facility!
