Monday, May 4, 2009

Robert J. Samuelson - The Obama Administration's Bias Against Oil and Natural Gas

Robert J. Samuelson - The Obama Administration's Bias Against Oil and Natural Gas

1 comment:

  1. his cap and tax b.s. is going to drive manufacturers and the jobs they provide out of this country in record numbers.

    this cap and tax was a huge disaster in europe, absolutely destroying industry throughout europe, but like with everything else, obama cares nothing about history, and continues to push his socialist agenda even though history has shown that not one of his tired old worn out ideas has ever worked anywhere in the world.

    he can't be that stupid, so it is becoming more apparent that he is intentionally destroying the economy and this country with it, by pushing one program after another that is proven to failure.

    why else would he travel the world and run down the country to the rest of the world like we are nothing but garbage?
