Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Al Qaeda No. 2: Obama Not Welcome in Egypt

Al Qaeda No. 2: Obama Not Welcome in Egypt


  1. "but they forgot that their message was already received by the Muslim world when he visited the wailing wall, and put on a yarmulke, and prayed their [Jewish] prayer, while claiming he is a Christian.

  2. Across our nation, some people who were willing to take Barack Obama at his word when he campaigned as a reasonable, moderate candidate are coming to realize the unfortunate truth.

    Candidate Obama talked about fiscal responsibility, about government living within its means. But President Obama is spending with reckless abandon and saddling our children and grandchildren with mountains of debt.

    Candidate Obama boasted about cutting taxes. But President Obama will have to raise taxes to pay for his massive top-down government explosion.

    Candidate Obama talked a lot about being bipartisan, but he has yielded his legislative agenda almost entirely to Nancy Pelosi who has repeatedly shut Republicans out of negotiations on important legislation, from economic stimulus to the budget to health care.

    President Obama and his Congressional allies have shown America their true agenda.They are leftist radicals bent on transforming our constitutional republic into a socialist "utopia" by dismantling the free enterprise system, eroding the rule of law, imperiling our national security, and curtailing our freedom.

  3. Does Sherwack have one of those Muslim outfits?

  4. Right now, Sherwack and Greg Gerrantona the "Know it all" are working hard to play games with the NB budget. Good luuck, we know what you are doing.
