Thursday, June 18, 2009

Can the US Constitution Survive Dictator Obama?

Can the US Constitution Survive Dictator Obama?


  1. Japan warns that North Korea may fire missile at U.S. on Independence Day July 4th.

    Both Japanese intelligence and U.S. reconnaissance satellites have collated information pointing to the launch, according to the report.

  2. If you are confused by all that has changed since President Obama took office in January 2009 you're not alone, perhaps this handy guide to Age of Obama "logic" might be of some assistance....

    1. The Budget: Wanting to cut $17 billion from the budget, as President Obama has promised, is proof of financial responsibility. Borrowing $1.84 trillion this year for new programs is "stimulus." The old phrase "out-of-control spending" is inoperative.

    2. Unemployment:The number of jobs theoretically saved, or created, by new government policies - not the actual percentage of Americans out of work, or the total number of jobs lost - is now the far better indicator of unemployment.

    3. The Private Sector: Nationalizing much of the auto and financial industries, while regulating executive compensation, is an indication of our new government's repeatedly stated reluctance to interfere in the private sector.

    4. Race and Gender: Not what is said but who says it and about whom reveals racism and sexism. For example, an Hispanic female judge isn't being offensive if she states that Latinas are inherently better judges than white males.

    5. Random violence: Some assassinations represent larger American pathologies, but others do not. When a crazed lone gunman murders someone outside the Holocaust Museum or shoots an abortion doctor, we should worry about growing right-wing and Christian extremism.

    But when an African-American Muslim convert brags about his murder of a military recruitment officer or an Islamic group plots to kill Jews and blow up a military jet, these are largely isolated incidents without larger relevance.

    Once we remember and accept the logic of the above, then almost everything about this Age of Obama begins to make perfect sense - we think.

  3. This is classic Obama:

    The Inspector General, Gerald Walpin, investigates how a non-profit in Sacramento, California uses AmeriCorps funds and finds that the head of the organization, a prominent Obama supporter, used a lot of the money to pay recipients to wash his car, run errands for him, etc.

    The Inspector General Walpin blows the whistle, and promptly finds himself in Obama's crosshairs. Obama, in his usual bullying way, first demands that Walpin resign within an hour.

    When Walpin refuses to do so, Obama high-handedly fires him without stating any cause, in apparent violation of the 2008 statute, co-sponsored by Senator Obama, which was intended to assure the independence of the Inspectors General.

    When Senate Democrats expressed their dissatisfaction with that end-run around the law, Obama invented a whole new story to the effect that Walpin who is 77 years old had to be fired because he was senile and incompetent.

    Now Senate Republicans are pushing back, and the Obama administration is retreating in disarray. And Mr. Walpin has performed well in his recent high-profile TV media appearances stating the facts why he was the target of the Obama presidency.

  4. We are proud of the ex IG Mr. Walpin for standing up for what’s right.

    If nothing else, he has put more doubt in people’s minds about President Obama’s lack of ethics and decency.

  5. The firing of Gerald Walpin as Inspector General was not an isolated incident as reported by the Chicago Tribune Newspaper.

    Two more IGs have been dismissed in the past two weeks with the sudden push to rid the government of independent watchdogs - appears to coincide with Obama’s plans to use government spending to get control over more aspects of American life, such as stimulus spending, the financial sector, and to implement his Chicago style politics with his community Acorn
    volunteer organizations, etc.

  6. Obama, we reached out and extended our open hands by gaving you the most powerful job in Washington. Now after your first one hundred days on the job, I’m desperately holding on to my job and I’m clenching my fists desperately holding on to the money I worked very hard for. Obama, I’m done with you, the Democrats and Republicans. Yes, we are coming. Sarah Palin and this woman speak for most hard working, tax paying AMERICANS.

  7. I am sick of hearing that if you oppose Barack Obama you are a racist. I don't care what color he is, I care about his policies and his integrity. He is killing this country. I am a middle-class hardworking citizen and I get the impression he really doesn't like people like me, he has a distain for us. We are what made America what it is today. How dare he be so arrogant to step on all that has been created. It is my prayer that the people of this country wake up and take their country back.

  8. This is not the county that I grew up in. This not that the country that I loved and was so proud of. I am a Grandfather of 21 Grand children that you are steeling from and Great Grandfather of 2. I am scared to death for my family and their future.

  9. We DARE NOT misinterpret, nor underestimate, who or what we are up against. These thugs in Wash. D.C. are only puppets serving a small group of ultra wealthy and powerful fascist's (i.e. Bilderberg, CFR, and Tri-lateralists). They are openly arrogant, and they don't care if we get angry because they're not planning on ever allowing another free election. Right now they're using masterfully developed fascist's-style psychological technique's to keep us confused and disorganized while they consolidate power. It is quintessential facism to fabricate either actual or "the threat of" crises events (i.e.,wars,terrorist attacks,energy,economic,etc.) to create an excuse for circumventing legal and/or constitutional standards. Most everything we are seeing take place in Wash. D.C. right now, is a well orchestrated theatrical production, and they really don't care if there are a few million of us who aren't fooled by their charade. Why? Because they are confident that their efforts over the past few decades to degrade our family, educational, moral, and Christian foundations have resulted in an America that is predominantly too self-absorbed and lacking in courage and initiative to organize decisively against them. Since everyone else is making prediction's, I predict that billions of the unaccounted for funds supposedly allocated for ACORN, TARP, and/or STIMULUS $$, are being used right now to covertly organize and train an army of federal, civilian, "storm trooper" like police-thugs which they plan to have ready by the time their psychological techniques lose there effectiveness. If we're going to have any chance of restoring our country to a legitimate constitutional government again, we must identify a small group of true patriot leader's, similar to our founding father's, who can first of all motivate and inspire American's to return to our Christian heritage (i.e. repentance, faith, and prayer), and secondly who have the ability to help us to organize effectively so that we can have confidence that our actions will succeed.

  10. Obama wants change, then lets give it to him next election!!!

  11. one outsider's opinonJune 19, 2009 at 5:53 PM

    In his speech to the AMA, Obama claimed that there are many countries where government run health care is what he called a "huge success." Every major newspaper edited that part of his speech out of their reports! Why would the media cover up such a statement? Only Fox News is willing to show that part of the speech, which they have on tape, along with the doctors booing Obama.

    I'll bet that you will never see a reference to that statement that Obama made about government run health care ever printed in the New Britain Herald.

    Just more evidence of the one sided media in this country and how the Herald is no different. I have found that lately the ultra-left Courant has seemed to be more fair and unbiased in their reporting than the Herald--just one reader's opinion.

    What a disappointment they have proven to be.

  12. Did you know that the ACLU has filed a suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed and another suit to end prayer for the military completely. They're making great progress. The Navy Chaplains can no longer mention Jesus' name in prayer thanks to the wretched ACLU and our new administration.

    I'm not breaking this one. If I get it a 1000 times, I'll forward it a 1000 times!
    Let us pray...

  13. Conservatives continue to look for an opening against Obama to exploit...

    This week’s flavor: The firing of an inspector general. Is there anything to it? Lost in the flood of Iran-related coverage this week has been the stirrings of what might be President Obama's first scandal since taking office.

    Conservative media, including Fox News, the National Review, and a bevy of blogs, have been pushing stories all week regarding the recent firing of the inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service, Gerald Walpin, suggesting that he was removed for political reasons.

  14. The Obama Smearing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin.

    If the Obama White House really believes that Ameri-Corps' Inspector General was "confused" and "disoriented," how about open congressional hearings where the American people can see for themselves?

    The storm that erupted after the firing with one hour's notice of Gerald Walpin, the Inspector General overseeing Ameri-Corps, has not died down.

    Pressed for an explanation as to the reasons for the firing and why the law requiring Congress to be given notice and reasons 30 days in advance was not followed, the Obama White House has resorted to old-time Chicago-style political smears that Obama engages in.

  15. The more we learn about the White House's summary firing of AmeriCorps' Inspector General, Gerald Walpin, the more it smells of lawlessness, cronyism and a flagrant disregard for transparency and government accountability.

  16. The firing of Inspector General Walpin appears to be a clear violation of the 2008 Inspectors General Reform Act which President Obama supported while he was a Senator.

    The Act requires the President to give 30 days notice and an explanation of cause prior to firing an Inspector General.

  17. This is NOT the hope and change that people voted for.

  18. Does anyone really believe Michelle Obama did not have a huge hand in the firing of Inspector General Walpin, especially seeing as how large a role she plays in the organizations involved?

    Guess where the First Lady will be on her trip to California - she’ll be delivering the keynote address at the 2009 National Conference on Volunteering and Service in San Francisco.

    And who is co-sponsoring the conference? Why, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)!

    Yes, that’s the same CNCS that is the parent organization of AmeriCorps that former Inspector General Gerald Walpin was investing AmeriCorps when President Obama fired him with out cause.
