Maybe it is time the NBDTC chairman should begin to recognize the liberal spew he is shoveling does not include the President’s current activities that are destroying the USA as we knew it.
Trillions of dollars in debt, causing the interest cost to exceed our national gross income and setting us up for super inflation in the coming months and years, seizing private industries for the government to run and his designing a dictatorship full of Russian style Czars which violates our Constitution that we all value and fought wars to retain.
The Messiah would like all Americans to believe he is the better solution. God only believed in a 10 per cent stipend, but it is more evident all the time that the Messiah won't be happy until he is seizing all of our income for his Marxist regime.
The liberalism you support will only help to enable our President to continue with his planned destruction that his stimulus has already begun financially. Now he wants to destroy the best health care system in the world and bring this country down to where we have 3 to 5 year waiting lines to see a doctor and a government bureaucrat making all of our health care decisions based on cost savings versus medical need. He constantly uses Canada and the United Kingdom of examples of where he wants to take us, and they are two of the world's worst health care systems that ever existed on the face of the earth. The UK has one of the worst cancer mortality rates in the world--similar to 3rd world nations like Zimbabwe--and this is the direction that your Messiah wants to lead this country in. It is no wonder that even in a liberal organization like the American Medical Association that only represents about 20% of all doctors because it is way too left wing leaning for the majority of American doctors, your Messiah was booed during his speech this week.
It is leadership by radical extremists like we have here in New Britain that is responsible for the Democratic party losing 9% of its national membership (according to the Pew report) since January and for the first time in history, independent voters are the majority party in America because they are rejecting both parties in record numbers.
The fact that people are rejecting your party like never before shows that this is change that most of us do not believe in.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you really rattled that commie's cage!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIn a recent diatribe posted on the Democratic Town Chairman's web site apparently meant to attack the mayor for resisting the Democratic council's flavor of communism for New Britain, the DTC Chairman makes reference to the "right wing media extremists who attack President Obama."
From my seat in the bleachers, it is people like you who are the extremists, Mr. Chairman.
The right wing media you are so proud to attack represents main stream America. You know, all of us who are working so hard to pay our taxes so liberal loons like you are free to seize all our income through ever increasing taxation and give it away like it grows on trees.
By the way, if that right wing media you are referring to is so extreme, then why is Bill O'Reilly's show the most watched news program in America for over 8 years, and why did his show outperform CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and Headline News combined? Also, why is Fox News the most watched news channel in America? Why in the last month did O'Reilly's show grow by 63% of the market share for his 8PM show and 71% for his 11PM re-rerun? That's right, even his reruns outperform your government run media that increasingly has no one watching.
It would seem that the channel that more Americans are watching is becoming the mainstream media, while the government run media is what most of us hard working Americans would call "extremist."
Just think, if we didn't go to work and pay our taxes, who would be paying for all those socialist programs that you are so fond of?
Like Margaret Thatcher once said, the reason socialism fails is because sooner or later, socialists run out of other people's money to spend.
Just remember Mr. McNamara, it isn't over until the fat lady sings!
ReplyDeleteI was quite surprised to read on the Democrat chair site that Avery Soda has replaced "kool-aid" as the empowering drink of the liberals.
ReplyDeleteI used to like that soda, but I don't think I could ever stomach another bottle of it knowing the political leanings of the company and certainly wouldn't want my money supporting a business that supports a fund raiser for radical extremists.
I guess I'll never sample their OBAMA BERRY soda.
He is obviously attacking you because he is blaming you for helping his party to collapse around him, but it is the overreaching by the extremists that are running his party that are responsible for the people rejecting the party like never before.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, the more he attacks you, the more readership you will get. Look at how many more millions are listening to Rush Limbaugh because of Obama's attacks on him. He was already the most listened to man in America, possibly even the world, but he is now near 30 million listeners every day, so keep up the good work. I think someone already did call you the Rush Limbaugh of New Britain, didn't they?
awww whatsa a matta wittle mac (the lesser one) did fwankie make you angwy???
ReplyDeleteGonna pick up your mawbles and run home wittle mac?
and I thought he was mad when you pointed out that so many of his Democrats on the council were tax delinquents who love taxing us but aren't responsible enough to pay their own taxes!
ReplyDeleteFrank, you mean you want Democrats to pay taxes? Maybe you drank too much Avery's!
ReplyDeleteChairman McNamara’s socialist agenda is truly frightening. The parallels to a communist regime are glaring.
ReplyDeleteFrom purging dissenting opinion from the town committee to baseless attacks against opposition parties. From manipulating elections via cross endorsements to hindering budget debate for political gain.
Mr. McNamara is a dictator not a leader.
Lenin and Mao would be proud of the recent New Britain Democratic Party history.
As I watched the last democratic mayoral candidate take the lonely walk with his wife to the polling area I was manning without a single representative of the party that nominated him there for support I wondered if he was not set up. After all he did cross the chairman.
sounds to me like we have a communist cell operating here in New Britain.
ReplyDeleteGlenn Beck just summed it up wonderfully:
ReplyDeleteHe described us as the "formerly silent majority" referring to those of us who work hard and pay our taxes.
think Sherwood is in Washington for the ACORN anniversary party?
ReplyDeleteAs I watched the last democratic mayoral candidate take the lonely walk with his wife to the polling area I was manning without a single representative of the party that nominated him there for support I wondered if he was not set up. After all he did cross the chairman.
ReplyDeleteJune 17, 2009 3:05 PM
Of course he was set up...by running for Mayor, he gave up his Council seat. The Democrats knew Wyskiewicz didn't have a chance to beat Tim Stewart.
This was their way of sending him to the boondocks. Has anyone heard anything of him since the last municipal election? If he were smart, he would switch parties and give the Dems a run for their money. O'Brien for Mayor??? Gimme a break!!!!!!
Don't we have members of the "working families party" on the council here in New Britain? I just heard that members of that apparently radical group were involved in the brawl at the New York State legislature last Thursday. Apparently they were very angry because the legislature was planning to cut $200,000 in funding for ACORN. Sounds like we are surrounded by radical extremists here in New Britain too.
ReplyDeleteO'Brien for Mayor??? Gimme a break!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteeven O'Brien knows he can't win. Why else would he be "considering running" for several months, without a decision unless he is waiting for dictator little mac to give him permission?
Maybe it is time for new leadership?
ReplyDeleteSomeone that can bring the party together to work towards the good of the city instead of pushing a personal agenda that is so extremely liberal that even most Democrats don't agree with his agenda. Unless the party gets its house in order, they can expect to experience the repercussions from the voters on election day.
Socialism in America and healthcare reform. Alot of politicians have talked about it but this president just might do
ReplyDeletesomething to effect change. Change won't come easy. Will Americans have better healthcare or
will we be victims to goverment run healthcare?
Healthcare has been tied to employment, marriage, family relationships. Not employed, not married, no family relationship no insurance unless your indepently wealthy. How many people get married, stay married, work un-happily for one thing, health insurance. Take gay marriage. Some oppose it for religious reasons others oppose it for the healthcare ramifications it will
I am not retired but I understand that once I turn 65 I will be entitled to medicare and that most purchase a supplemental insurance plan. Under health care reform wouldn't it work in a similar fashion. Part goverment part private? Is this system working for people over 65? I understand these are individual plans and that famlies will need to cover children and maternity but don't those expenses balance out against
the increased medical expenses of
older persons? If instead of relying on your employer to administer a plan and each person
and family participated in healthcare as an individual, wouldn't that in some ways lift restraints on us to marry for the wrong reason, work at the wrong profession maybe freeing up the ability to be self employed and more productive? There is also
much discussion about perks for good health and preventative care.
Look around at the waistlines of
the American public? If we each were responsible for our healthcare
plan maybe that would also prompt us to live a healthier lifestyle.
Just a thought.... coming from
a Republican.
The NB Political Scene...
ReplyDeleteDemocrat State Representative Tim O’Brien said the fight against Governor M. Jodi Rell budget was about the values people want in their society. Rep. O'Brien the values that we want on the states budget are fiscal responsibility and not the values that you and the Democrats want, which can be summed up in one word "SOCIALISM".
As taxpayers that are part of the "middle class" we are sick and tire of paying for programs that do nothing for the working class. We are sick and tire of having to pay $100+ a week in child care while others pay $25 for the same service.
We are tired of paying $100+ a week for a medical insurance that covers almost nothing while others pay nothing and get excellent coverage.
Let's cut the political bull and let's get to the root of the problem. How is it that we have a hard time buying a good piece of steak while those with the famous EBT card are buying the best of meats, driving the best cars etc.
These are the principles that you and your fellow Democrats advocate for and WE THE WORKING CLASS ARE SICK AND TIRE OF IT.
It's sad to see how you have all SOLD out for a few votes. We need a REFORMATION of our government if not we are all doomed.
President George Bush Takes Swipes at Obama Policies.
ReplyDeleteERIE, PA - Former President George W. Bush fired a salvo at President Obama, asserting that President Bush administration's interrogation policies were within the law, declaring the private sector not government will fix the economy and rejecting the nationalization of health care.
"I know it's going to be the private sector that leads this country out of the current economic times we're in," the former president said to applause from members of a local business group. "You can spend your money better than the government can spend your money."
Repeatedly in his hour long speech and question-and-answer session, Mr. Bush said he would not directly criticize the new president, who has moved to take over financial institutions and several large corporations.
Several times, however, he took direct aim at Obama policies as he defended his own during eight years in office.
"Government does not create wealth. The major role for the government is to create an environment where people take risks to expand the job rate in the United States," he said to huge cheers.
Mr. Bush weighed in on some of the most pressing issues of the day: the election in Iran, the closing of the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba, and his administration's interrogation policies of terrorists held there and elsewhere.
The former president has not commented on Mr. Obama's decision to ban "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as water boarding.
Happy to have your comments President Bush - taking swipes at the Obama policies - the polls all show Mr. Obama loosing support as most Americans do not like Mr. Obama communal organizer policies.
ReplyDeleteTo the middle class poster that is sick and tired of watching the bottom feeders doing better off the backs of the working middle class, yes the democrats voted in alot of the programs that keep them
ReplyDeletesucking the life blood from those of us that work, republicans passed alot of the laws too. Why,
take it all away and you won't find people working harder when push comes to shove. These programs
are passed for reasons of safety
and crime rates. It's the price we
pay for safe and legal theft. We
all complained about public housing too. Now it's coming down
in New Britain. Have you taken a look around former beautiful neighborhoods like the West End
and the East Side? Slums. wouldn't
take a rent there if you paid me. Crime and drugs and people hanging around all day.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete........ Take it all away and you won't find people working harder when push comes to shove. These programs
are passed for reasons of safety
and crime rates.These programs
are passed for reasons of safety
and crime rates. It's the price we
pay for safe and legal theft. We
all complained about public housing too. Now it's coming down
in New Britain. Have you taken a look around former beautiful neighborhoods like the West End
and the East Side? Slums. wouldn't
take a rent there if you paid me. Crime and drugs and people hanging around all day............
That is the biggest pandering cop out yet. Typical democratic B.S.
To assume that poor people somehow cannot assimilate into society is downright sick.
Landlords need to keep up with their property. If tenants are not complying with the terms of the lease they signed evict them. If your neighbor is selling or using drugs in public call the police.
The decline in the east side and west side started long before the closure of the housing projects. It started with the decline of industry in state due to a non-business friendly tax structure implemented almost entirely by our democratic majority state and local legislatures.
Sounds to me more like a situation where someone does not want "those" people around. So he wants to keep "them" in the projects.
The revival of our neighborhoods will start with the return of jobs, just like the decline of our neighborhoods began with the loss of jobs.
Vote Republican!
Nice ideas. I guess you have probably never been a landlord? Try to rent an apartment in New Britain to decent hard working people who will actually respect your property today. Good luck and while you wait for that type of tenant explain to your mortgage
ReplyDeleteholder and the tax collector and the insurance agent why you cannot
pay your bills on time. Or that the eviction process is taking 6 months down at court and they will have to wait untill the judge rules in your favor. I'm very surprised a republican could be
so pie eyed.
I agree that the job market has been steadily falling off but FYI
these rental neighborhoods have made a quick down turn as public housing closes. That's the truth
as hard as it is to accept. Has less to due with poverty as it does
with lack of respect for others and their property.
If dis-respect of property was inforced as a crime we would need to build two new police stations in NB. Good idea! Stimulas job
creation paid for by the....goverment.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNice ideas.
I wouldn't say its pie eyed. My view is actually quite simple. Instead of providing subsidies to people who are not making efforts to improve their own lives, money may be better spent to improve the infrastructure, provide services (such as police) and to reduce the tax burden on property owners. Currently with the excessive giveaways promoted by liberal democrats, folks who own rentals like myself and I presume you are forced to pay excessive property taxes and utility service fees to finance this government dependency thus diminishing the funds we have available to repair roofs, furnaces and other large ticket repair items that inevitably arise when owning rentals. With fewer finances available for maintenance, often items/buildings are left to deteriorate to a point where they becomes blighted.
As a conservative I am usually accused of being cold hearted and uncaring because I feel that the private sector is far more capable of providing shelter and services for the poor. Remember the French Model club story? They claim that the goverment provides the services that they used to. I am sure it is the same with other entities as well.
It wasn't until the liberal utopia days of LBJ that public housing and utility subsidies were implemented. The new deal was a raw deal and only added to the problems of the less fortunate with it's vicious circle of welfare. (Some families have been in the system since its inception!!! really sad). The financial burden of this type of government intervention is what strained are economy to the point it is at now. When Barny Franks and Chris Dodd forced lenders to make bad loans the economy imploded as soon as the loans “came due”.
As far as the former projects in New Britain they were designed for temporary housing for the G.I.'s returning from WW II. They were not designed or intended to warehouse the poor. They became drug and crime havens and had to go.
New Britain is heading in the right direction in regards to public housing. If citizens report crimes and make the thugs who have moved from the projects into some of our neighborhoods feel unwelcome they will move on.
I am aware that this is not a easy process but what should we do? Give up?
Like all roaches shine a light on them and they scatter.
The good people will stay and contribute to the neighborhood and grow with it.
Again vote (conservative) republican!!
Sounds like one Republican drank too much of the Barrack Berry communist soda!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading his posting about the wonderful government run health care where the government would provide such wonderful care for all of us, I was expecting to have to hold hands and sing Cum Bia!
Socialized medicine has never worked anywhere in the world! It has not worked and it won't work here.
The UK has 76 million people, Canada has 30 million. Socialized medicine has been a dismal failure in both countries, that combined are only 1/3 of the population of the U.S. If they can't make it work in either of these countries, what makes you think that we can pattern our health care after 2 of the world's worst ever health care systems and make it work here in a country 3 times the size of both countries combined, and more importantly why would we want to copy the failures of the world?
The socialism in the UK has been such a failure that they have finally elected a conservative party and are moving away from government run health care and are now favoring a private system much like we have here.
We have 300 million people, and by the Democrats own numbers 40 million have no insurance, even though their inflated numbers include 15 million illegal aliens, so that makes it only about 25 million if you eliminate illegal aliens that should get absolutely nothing but a free trip home or even better yet, a prison cell since they are criminals just by being here (ask Joe Arpaio).
You are going to totally destroy the health care for 260 to 270 million Americans, and by Barrack Obama's own numbers, after spending $1 trillion dollars, we are going to be left with approximately 30 million still uninsured, so what sense does any of this make except to totally destroy the best health care system in the world, one that the people of the UK and Canada are severely jealous of?
Go back and trick some more of your Barrack Berry communist soda!
Acorn is a nut...so, does that mean that anyone involved in the Acorn group is a nut? Hmmmmm..that means that the likes of Sherwood are nuts. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who sees the hypocrisy in telling the public to drive a car that is little more than a motorized skateboard, while launching a space rocket to the moon?
ReplyDeleteI'll bet the exhaust from that rocket just during take-off gave off the exhaust equivalent to the output of thousands or even millions of SUV'S annual exhaust!
Once again, don't do as I do, do as you are dictated to.
sounds like little mac the lesser one, "just do as you are told" like a dictator.
ReplyDeleteYou write us off and criticize our will. We are standing up, like it or not. We do have a voice, even if you choose to ignore it. Sooner or later, we will be heard.
ReplyDeleteSo well spoken! All of my thoughts put into words, words I could not myself, put to paper. THANK YOU SO MUCH FRANK!
ReplyDeleteIt is way past time to stop these libs from distroying this country.
the pathetic part of the story is that he is too ignorant to even realize that he is the laughing stock all over town. everywhere I go, they are laughing at the fool.
ReplyDeletehe'll probably need to sleep in this morning-hung over from all that commie cola
ReplyDeleteLittle Mac, not only the laughing stock of the party but the entire city.
ReplyDeleteWe are tired of the BS and we're coming for each and every one of you on November 4th!