Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Goals Shift For Reform Of Financial Regulation

Goals Shift For Reform Of Financial Regulation

The Treasurer with Rep. Susan Collins


  1. The comparison of God to Obama:

    1. Neither have a birth certificate.

    2. God does not think he is Obama

    3. Liberals love Obama

  2. God only asks for 10% of your income.

    God's plan to save us is actually written down.

  3. 4. The main stream media loves Obama

    5. God recommends we be our brothers keeper. Obama charges us for it.

  4. I hope Texas secedes from the rest of the states. I would gladly have Rick Perry as my president. This clown in the WHITE HOUSE is destroying all we have held precious. I am so frustrated, irritated, aggrevated I can barely stand it. Our great nation is starting to crumble. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would live to see this happen. I wnat my country back-I want my grandchildren to know AMERICA as I knew it. My heart is so full with grief and I could cry forever.
