Tuesday, June 16, 2009

O’Brien still evaluating mayoral run - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com)

O’Brien still evaluating mayoral run - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com)

By James Craven


  1. According to Tim O’Brien, voters are looking for something different in a candidate than has been seen in the past.
    Tim O’Brien says "voters are optimistically seeking someone who can bring a time of “new beginnings” to the city."
    And that "New Britain needs new beginnings like no other place in the United States to renew the industrial economic base that made New Britain strong,”

    Let me see if I understand.

    Rep. O’Brien wants to start a "New Beginning" by propping up a fading segment of the old New Britain economy??

    Though New Britain should be proud of its industrial past we need leaders who can see that the days of New Britain being the hardware capital of the world are through. We need leaders who see New Britain at the CENTER of Connecticut. A midpoint of the Boston / New York metropolis. With its easy access along the 84 corridor I see a future with corporate headquarters, entertainment districts and technology parks.

    The fact is no one will pay three times what it would cost to produce hardware elsewhere.

    Lets take advantage of what we have and not wish for what we had.

  2. Let me get this straight. O'Brien and his 3 amigos from New Britain have severely damaged the business environment in this state to the point where Connecticut is deemed a business unfriendly state and now the "other" Tim wants to bring this crap to New Britain?

    Bring back the "old New Britain" economy? Please. You and your liberal buddies chased the factories out of here.

    Propose to sell excess, unused Water property for big money and then wilt when 3 people complain. Sorry. Backbone is a requirement of the job.

    What are YOU going to bring to New Britain? More government? More unemployment? You guys stalled and delayed Pinnacle Heights for at least 5 years.

    You guys in the umber majority in Hartford have not even passed a budget. Taking money for taxpayers is easy for guys like you but take from the unions? cut spending? The crickets chirping are deafening.

    This is "new beginnings"? Keep talking "other" Tim. No one will listen.

  3. you mean that companies aren't going to be willing to pay union wages, free health care, elaborate retirement packages and free college tuition for the families of the union employees when they can pay 15 cents per hour for an 18 hour work day and 6 day work week and no overtime by making the products in China? Sounds like New Britain would be very competitive, doesn't it?

  4. That's what I call LEADERSHIP!

    It has been how many months now, and he is still deciding if he wants to run.

    When the phone rings at 3 in the morning for a real emergency, we need a mayor who can make a decision. What is this dope going to do, tell them I'll get back to you in 3 months?????

    One thing is for sure, we know all too well that when the crap is hitting the fan in the middle of the night, Mayor Stewart is up to the call!!!

  5. Tim O'Brien's attempts to show that his projected run for Mayor is something really different are nothing more than the tired, old dribble he's been spewing since he came to New Britain ten years ago.

    How about this one? NB needs "new brginnings"!!
    I almost wet my drawers on that one. Are there beginnings that are old?

    Tim's (O'Brien that is) statements are nothing but the same old worn out cliche's you hear from every liberal running for any position. How about adding ,"chage you can believe in?"

  6. That guys makes a good point: If it takes the guy 9 months to make the decision whether or not he wants to run for office, how many months will it take to make more serious decisions????

  7. I guess O'Brien is afraid because he knows he will lose by huge numbers against a fine man like Mayor Stewart and he doesn't want to go away with such a massive defeat under his belt.

  8. could they have found a more left wing extremist if they tried?

  9. he's finished destroying the state with his left wing lunacy so now he wants to bring his brand of the nanny state from cradle to grave government providing everything for everyone free massive bureaucracy to New Britain!

    get ready for your taxes to skyrocket!!!

  10. yah,,,they could have run sherwack

  11. As it says on the opening of Sean Hannity's radio show on WTIC: The Radicals are taking over!!!!!!!

  12. must be the agitator general behind this

  13. this is the most wishy washy candidate I have ever seen.

  14. I guess he likes losing. With the backlash from what the Democrats are doing in Washington, this is not the time to try running for anything as a Democrat.

  15. I guess that is why the Democratic Town Chairman is getting so nasty about the critics. He is seeing his party collapsing in front of his face, so he is getting desperate as the tea parties grow across America!

  16. Democrat State Representative Tim O’Brien said the fight against Governor M. Jodi Rell Budget was about the values people want in their society. Rep. O'Brien the values that we want on the State of CT Budget are fiscal responsibility and not the values that you and your liberal socialism Democrats want, which can be summed up in one word "SOCIALISM".

    As taxpayers that are part of the "middle class" we are sick and tire of paying for programs that do nothing for the working class. We are sick and tire of having to pay $100+ a week in child care while others pay $25 for the same service.

    We are tired of paying $100+ a week for a medical insurance that covers almost nothing while others pay nothing and get excellent coverage.

    Let's cut the political bull and let's get to the root of the problem. How is it that we have a hard time buying a good piece of steak while those with the famous EBT card are buying the best of meats, driving the best cars etc.

    These are the principles that you and your fellow Democrats advocate for and WE THE WORKING CLASS ARE SICK AND TIRE OF IT.

    It's sad to see how you have all SOLD out for a few votes. We need a REFORMATION of our government if not we are all doomed.

  17. I am tired of all of the lies. i am tired of my kid being told we are killing the planet when man made global warming is a lie, I AM TIRED of paying 3 bucks a gallon for gas because our elected represenetives are to cowardly to fight the lie that is global warming and get the oil we need to survive.
