Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cambridge Police Officer Crowley teaches racial profiling class at academy - But President Obama attacked him in speech

by O'Ryan Johnson


  1. What a clown. The dictator starts out by admitting that he knows absolutely nothing about this case, then decides on his own that the police acted "stupidly" simply because the thug that was arrested was a personal friend of Obama's, and then concludes that blacks and Latinos are targeted by police.

    To me this just adds one more radical thug the Obama's growing list of radical associates--Rev. Wright, Father Flager, Bill Ayers, etc.

  2. It has been no secret how he feels about the police.

  3. This incident speaks volumes about our commander and chief. The president of the United States had
    no business involving himself and the american people into a personal
    situation that occured with one of
    his good freinds. It was immature. To bring this up during a national press conference was provactive at the least and contributes to racism against whites and blacks. Yes, white people are victims of racism too.

    In this country robberies gone bad, home invasions and domestic violence are at top of mind for most of us including law inforcement. Responding officers have to respond accordingly regardless of a person's color and the Cambridge police department did just that.

    The President of the United States
    should have merely spoken with his
    freind privately about his unfortunate incident he should have reminded his freind that a watchful neighbor was being a good citizen and his police department was simply doing their job. The Cambridge Police department should tag the address for future as "DO NOT RESPOND".
