Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama Attacks CIA to Quell ObamaCare Protests and Establish Secret Police by; the CFP


  1. The NKVD was used against any and all Russian citizens who opposed Stalin or those who had the audacity to practice their religious beliefs. During this time period, hundreds of thousands of them were sent to the then frozen wasteland of Siberia. But, these were the lucky ones. During Stalin’s brutal reign, over 20 Million (some reports advise at least 28 Million) were executed in one way or another for opposing Stalin and his policies—14.5 million were starved to death, over 1 Million were directly executed, 9.5 Million were deported to Stalin’s goon-run work camps or Gulags (political prisons). Note: Some historians place the number sent to Stalin’s Gulags at 18 Million.

    Is History Beginning to Repeat Itself?

    As the resistance to ObamaCare (aka ObamaTotalControl) continues to grow within the American populace, America’s dictator-in-chief and his increasingly radicalized entourage had to find something to switch the attention of US citizens away from their looming demise under ObamaCare-Part 2 (did you know part 1 had already been covertly passed?). Therefore, Obama chose the ever-popular-amongst-the-leftists attack on the CIA. Besides this will be the proverbial stone that kills, at least, two birds at the same time. The non Obama-run CIA (Obama already has his personal replacement White House Secret Police interrogation Unit ready to go) is being replaced by ObamaThugs. Considering Obama’s swift and certain establishment of the ObamaCzars (now at around 50) who report only to him, Obama’s version of the NKVD should expand rather quickly.

  2. Like Pinocchio, his big dumb floppy ears grow even bigger with every lie he tells!
