Monday, August 31, 2009


EDITORIAL By: Frank Smith

An article in the Sunday Herald quoted Tim O’Brien as being proud to receive the endorsement of the Working Families Party during a campaign rally in front of City Hall (O’Brien Proud to get Working Families endorsement by: Scott Whipple, The Herald, August 29, 2009).

As I already reported, Glenn Beck recently did a show focused on the radical organization Working Families Party. According to Beck’s in depth report; Working Families Party is a front group for the radical cult ACORN. It functions as a political party in New York State and Connecticut—promoting ACORN friendly candidates.

According to the Associated Press, The Working Families Party was created in 1998 to help push the Democratic Party towards the left, and in pursuit of this goal, WFP runs radical candidates in state and local elections.

I believe the reference to “working families” is at best a misnomer to conceal their radical agenda because who could be against “working families?” As outlined in Glenn Beck’s report, “Generally, WFP candidates conceal their extremism beneath a veneer of populist rhetoric, promoting bread-and-butter issues designed to appeal to union workers and other blue collar workers.

Bertha Lewis is Executive Director of ACORN New York and Co-Founder of Working Families Party. Ms. Lewis was quoted as being present at Saturday’s rally for O’Brien and quoted as telling O’Brien: “Get a pair of steel-toed boots and put “WFP’ on each toe and you’ll win.”

We have found a more interesting quote from Bertha Lewis that was contained in Glenn Beck’s report:
“Candidates know that when they’re on our line, they’re committed to certain things,” explains Bertha Lewis, who moonlights as WFP co-chair and New York ACORN executive director. Speaking days before Hillary won her Senate seat in 2000, Lewis noted, “Hillary knows that if she wins, we’re going to be knocking’ on her door. She won’t be able to hide.” (Quoted in the Village Voice, November 1-7, 2000) (Emphasis Glenn Beck’s.)
The message seems to be that when O’Brien wins the election, ACORN will be knocking on the doors of City Hall. Is that what you want in your mayor, someone who is beholden to such a radical cult?


  1. Good work Frank! The voters need to know that "ACORN" is involved with O'Bien's campaign.

    Hoping the voters appreciate your commentary.

  2. What is even scarier is Lewis' communistic KGB type attitude - steel toed boots comment. That is pure "little mac"/phil sherwood prilosophy.

  3. Frank: Some of your blogs haven't had a hit in over a week, especially the Murphy stuff - Murphy is a pissant and right now he's just taking up space on your blog.

  4. Having the head radical from ACORN come to town is really going to influence my vote?

  5. As we all know, The Working Families Party was founded in New York from the radical group –ACORN. Since then, they loosely use the words Working Families to try to garner support from voters who are actual working people. What a sham!

    I challenge all of the Democrats running this fall who have been endorsed by WFP to make a decisive choice – Either stay with the Democrat Party or switch and run on The Working Families Party. Life isn’t that sweet that you can have it both ways ….quite honestly it’s a scam to the voters. Be brave and make a choice!

    Manhattan Institute scholar Sol Stern writes that ACORN, professing its dedication to “the poor and powerless,” in fact “promotes a 1960s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism, central planning, victimology, and government handouts to the poor.” ACORN, Stern elaborates, organizes people “to push for ever more government control of the economy” and to pursue “the ultra-Left’s familiar anti-capitalist redistributionism.” This agenda is made plain in ACORN’s own “People’s Platform,” which says: “We are the majority, forged from all the minorities. We will continue our fight … until we have shared the wealth …”

    If these are the policies our Democratic friends espouse too – then run on these issues. Let the voters of New Britain know that you are endorsing ACORN’s core values and that is what you want for New Britain!

  6. Frank:
    This is "Animal Farm" and Communict Russia all rolled into one. And O'Brien wants to be the head of it for ACORN/WFP/Commies/Socialists, etc.

    Frank, have you heard that Bielinski and Gerratana bolted from running for Council to get away from Sherwood and Trueworthy? It's a rumor out there! Supposedly, Bielinski said that Stewart is doing a good job as Mayor.

  7. Craig definitely should be elected alderman in your got that info right on!

    Anonymous: word has it that Suzanne Bielinski has her eye on Trueworthy (some people have their taste in their mouth), and isn't Gerratana buddies with Sherwood???
