Friday, August 28, 2009

Public Financing Scheme Unconstitutional | Yankee Institute for Public Policy


  1. that socialist rell tried to pull one over on us but the courts once again got it right!

    Corporations and lobbyists have rights too! I'm sick and tired of these wackos who think the public should pay for elections. Why should the public own elections?

  2. You must be joking by calling The Governor Rell a Socialist or are you a member of the WORKING FAMILIES PARTY?

  3. I think it's wrong just because Rowland went to jail to change the good old fashion way of doing politics.

    Rell supported public financing which is nothing more than using public money to run for public office. it is socialist and it is outragous that she would support this.

    Its even a bigger threat than ACORN.

  4. The Governor should find more ways to cut spending. I for one am tired of working and paying taxes so that others can sit home and drink beer because they are supported by money that the state seizes from my paycheck to support people who are too lazy to work.

  5. What a state we live in. We provide incentives for not working, and punish those who do work through ever increasing taxes to support those who don't work.

  6. I work at a very liberal university (aren't most of them?). It's hard being a conservative in a land of liberals. My college practically forced Obama down our students throats! The few conservatives on campus - we got to where we talked in hushed voices so as not to get ganged up on. But NO MORE. Now, when they call me a right wing racist insurgent, I just smile and say "and darn proud that I'm not a left wing commie." In fact, I think I'll create a bumper sticker that says "BEWARE! Right Wing Nut Job with a Concealed Weapons Permit! on Board!"

  7. Most of what Obama has been doing is unconstitutional.
