Thursday, August 27, 2009

Senator Joe Lieberman, How Was Your Taxpayer Funded, 6 Country Junket?

I have reported that Congressman Chris Murphy has been nowhere to be found by his many constituents that have been begging him to visit New Britain during the August recess, but where has Senator Lieberman been during this same period?

While we have no idea where Congressman Murphy has been hiding, according to the Hartford Courant, Senator Lieberman has been travelling with his old buddy Senator John McCain on a 6 country junket that includes stops in Libya, Kuwait, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iceland, yes Iceland!

With a President that is trying to force a government seizure of our health care in this country, was this a productive use of the Senator’s August recess? Do you think he found many answers regarding how to stop this country from being forced into a European socialist style government run health care system that has been an absolute disaster wherever it has been tried?

One thing is for certain, he didn’t have to face many of his constituents in Iceland, did he?


  1. When we vote him out of office, maybe Obama can appoint him as ambassador to Iceland, so he can live there permanently.

  2. boy do we need change in Washington!August 28, 2009 at 1:37 AM

    Lieberman supports Dodd over the mortgage scandal!

    I wrote Lieberman a letter to urge him to push for an investigation into Dodd's sweetheart mortgage deal. The letter was sent out months ago, at the onset of the Senate investigation into the matter. Lieberman just today responded to the letter, showing his support for Dodd. Here is the substance of the letter:

    Thank you for contacting me regarding my colleague, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT).

    Senator Dodd recently made public all documents pertaining to his 2003 mortgage loans. These records confirm Senator Dodd's original position on the issue -- that the rates and terms of his loans were widely available in the market at the time. There were no sweetheart deals or special rates. In addition to this release, Senator Dodd announced he is refinancing his homes with a new lender in order to end any further speculation.

    It is my hope that these actions provide closure on the issue. Senator Dodd has accomplished much for our state and our nation and I will continue work closely with him to address the enormous challenges facing us.

    Thank you for sharing your views and concerns with me. I hope you will continue to visit my website at; for updated news about my work on behalf of Connecticut and the nation. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or comments about our work in Congress.


    Joseph I. Lieberman


  3. Lieberman can earn my support by opposing the nonsense put out by Obama-especially his plan the nationalize our health care!
