Friday, August 28, 2009

State Government: Closed Until Further Notice??


I agree with one of my recent reader's posts. The Governor should not sign another "continuing resolution" for anything other than the state police and the state hospitals. She should close all state agencies and send everyone home. Lay them all off!

When people are mad that they have no services, all the Governor needs to do is tell everyone to call their legislators and tell them to find ways to cut their socialist spending so that we can get the state reopened.

If the State of Rhode Island can close for 2 weeks because the Democrats bankrupted that state too, why can't we just close everything down until they cut the bloated government the Democrats are so good at creating?


  1. Frank, aren't those Johnny Mel's locked doors?

  2. That's why you should run for council Frank?

    We NEED TO FIRE PEOPLE. SEND ALL THOSE LAZY EMPLOYEES HOME. Then the public will start screaming and the Republicans will sweep the next elections!

  3. If you sent home all the state employees, who would even notice?
