Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another Day, Another Local Democratic Leader & More Contradictory Statements


During a meeting last week of the Administration, Finance and Law Subcommittee of the New Britain City Council, Council Majority Leader Michael Trueworthy is quoted in today’s edition of The Herald ("Councilors grill city auditing rep on practices" by James Craven, September 21, 2009), as having made some conflicting statements that should shock the average citizen to learn they were attributed to a member of their city council.

After reading the entire story, I am left with the picture of yet another episode of theater played out by Democratic members of the council in another apparent effort to discredit the mayor at any cost—this time through the city’s contract auditing firm. The problem is that through the thorough reporting of reporter James Craven, it becomes very clear that some of the members of the council appeared to have no clue what the representative of the accounting firm was even talking about when describing the auditing practices used by the firm.

Trueworthy’s questions are described in the article as being adversarial. Trueworthy and Alderman Suzanne Bielinski reportedly “asserted” that the yearly audit report was missing a report needed by the Common Council on findings of any material weeknesses in the city’s finances. According to the Herald report, when Trueworthy was told that the report had been delivered to the city’s Auditing Committee as required, Trueworthy reportedly maintained that is was not forwarded to the council.

According to Mr. Craven’s report, Trueworthy said “It was not included.” Mr. Craven then reports that in an effort to ascertain if the information had been left out, The Herald asked Trueworthy who was on the Auditing Committee. Trueworthy reportedly responded “I don’t know.” Yes, you read it correctly, the Majority Leader of the Common council stated to a Herald reporter that he does not know who is on the Auditing Committee!

Mr. Craven reports that on Friday, after being told that He (Michael Trueworthy) is on the Auditing Committee, along with Aldermen Lori Rocha and Tonilynn Collins, Trueworthy reportedly recanted his earlier statement. Trueworthy reportedly said: “I don’t remember but I guess I got it” and went on to say that he didn’t know why he had not handed the report out to other members of the council.

In summary, you have an Alderman who serves as the Majority Leader of the Council, who first denied that the so-called missing report was ever completed, then claims he doesn’t know which Aldermen are on the Auditing Committee, when in fact he himself is a member of the Auditing Committee, and then confronted with the fact that it was confirmed that he received the so-called missing report in February, along with the other members of the Auditing Committee, recants his earlier statement and then claims he doesn’t remember, and doesn’t know why he didn’t share the report with the other members of the council.

These numerous conflicting statements from Majority Leader Trueworthy leave me with a myriad of questions about the auditing report:

To begin with, is there something in the auditing report that Alderman Trueworthy doesn’t want made public?

Why does he claim to not know who is on the Auditing Committee when as the Majority Leader he has at least some responsibility for such assignments, and in fact he is a member of that committee?

How can an elected official not remember receiving a document as important as an annual auditing report?

How can an elected official be so irresponsible with a city document as important as an auditing report as to claim he doesn’t remember what he did with it when he received it?

Since this is the second meeting whereby various council members have been reported to be “adversarial” with the city’s auditing firm, what is their ax to grind with BlumShapiro, the current auditing firm representing the city? Why do they seem to be determined to replace BlumShapiro as Alderman Phil Sherwood is quoted as saying in today’s article?

Mayor Stewart was quoted in The Herald article as describing this entire meeting as “a nightmare for the people of the city” and after evaluating the statements made by many of the aldermen, I have to concur with the mayor’s assessment. These constant games being played by certain members of the council is a disgrace to their office and the people they are supposed to be serving.


  1. Maybe it's as simple as Trueworthy
    is really a bumbler? He is scattered, rambles on about nothing during council meetings. At one meeting he came in all flustered after losing his cell phone and couldn't get focused. You really have to question his attentiveness. I've been concerned about this guy at every council meeting I have attended. So he can't remember getting an auditing report or who
    is on a commission that he is on.
    Well, the commission probably hardly ever meets or he has never attended a single meeting. I think this is just the
    real Michael Trueworthy.

  2. To paraphrase alderman Sherwood, "What’s the beef??"

    What is becoming all too apparent is that the Dirty Bakers dozen are grossly incompetent.

    Disagreements aside, the unprofessionalism shown by the Democratic side of the aisle in New Britain is embarrassing.

    It is time to rid the council of the outside influence of groups such as CCGA and the WFP (ACORN).

    It is time for the city council to again represent the citizens and not a far left vision of a couple of fringe far left think tanks.

    Voters need to learn of the affiliations.

    Next debate I suggest that candidates answer how these affiliations effect their actions.

    As far as Alderman Trueworthy, The lack of ability to perform his duty as the leader of the council is astounding.

    My list of people who should resign immediately has grown to three.

    John McNamara,
    Greg Gerrantana
    Mike Trueworthy

    The voters should take care of the rest.

  3. Frank:
    Trueworthy's peculiar, conveniently forgetful & equivocal rantings coupled with Sherwood's constant bait and switch pronouncements are a total embarrassment for the City. In many cases their rantings have driven potential developers out of the city - remember Sherwood's infamous, "where's the beef" statement!
    Council member Magnuszewski wants to know why the city can't run its finances the way she does her personal bank and checking accounts. The fact is Eva, the City does. Try this Eva: unless you are a wealthy person, try getting a loan for the purchase of a home or car without showing that you can pay it back - it won't happen; try writing checks for anything without having put money in your accout - that won't happen either.
    Thanks to sound fiscal management by the finance department and to the policies instituted by Mayor Stewart and to the excellent work of the City's auditors, NB is in good financial shape. This, despite the dismal state of the global economy and the petty, obstructionist tactics of NB Council Democrats.

  4. If this is an example of the council leadership, it is no wonder the city is so screwed up under the control of these screw balls.

    It is time for change for sure.

    Vote Republican for the council and end these childish games once and for all.

  5. I would really be interested in finding out what is contained in this report that Ald. Trueworthy could be trying to keep the public from learning about.

  6. Could the report involve information like this that makes the Mayor look good, and is that why Trueworthy doesn't want anyone to see it?

    New Britain Mayor Timothy Stewart today reported that the Fitch Group Reporting Service has affirmed the ‘A’ rating on the City of New Britain’s approximately $55.5 million of outstanding general obligation (GO) bonds and has raised the City’s outlook from stable to positive.

    “I am very pleased to report that the City of New Britain has once again achieved an ‘A’ rating on our existing general obligation bonds and that our outlook has been raised from stable to positive.” Mayor Stewart said today.
