Friday, September 11, 2009

Attacks on his wife raise ire of Salvio - The New Britain Herald (

By: James Craven


  1. I trust that the capitol police department has started its investigation into the computer misuse at the capitol.

  2. No one will do anything because the culprits are Democrats, so they are above the law and untouchable.

    If these were Republicans that were illegally using state computers to harass and smear the good name of the mayor, then there would be all kinds of investigations, Capitol Police, State Police, FBI and so on, but because the suspects are Democrats they are free to break the law with impunity.

  3. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who the culprits are.
    Lou Salvio and his wife are law-abiding citizens...they hadn' t realized she couldn't be paid for working on her husband's campaigny . The money was returned immediately upon learning the rules...

  4. The Capitol police ought to check to see if Richard Lopes has access to the computers in question...remember a year or two ago, he was caught on security tapes rumaging through the desk of a Republican employee's desk at the capitol. Heaven only knows why his boss, Senator Donald DiFronzo hasn't fired Lopes for his unethical behavior

  5. I always thought Don DeFronzo was a pretty good guy but with the likes of the company he keeps and hires... I have reconsidered my opinion of him.

  6. Isn't it interesting that Ms. Bielinski would pose for campaign pictures wearing an Obama/Biden shirt and an Obama campaign Button as if the entire world worships Obama as their Messiah?? I for one would never even consider voting for someone who would associate with such a radical extremist.

    With his approval rating plummeting like a stone (40% at last count) it has been reported that he may go down in history as the least popular President in the history of the U.S. and certainly has had the fastest falling approval rating of any President in the past 100 years. This far into his Presidency, George Bush had more than TWICE the approval rating of Obama!

    So the question remains, why would any candidate for office want to align themselves with Obama?

    Could it be because she has also accepted the endorsement of the radical Working Families Party--the front group for ACORN, and Obama was a lawyer working for ACORN before his election?

    Isn't it interesting how all the radical ties run right to ACORN and then to Obama--the most liberal, radical extremist ever to be elected President?

    At least with Peter Denuzze, you know what you are getting. A long record of professional service to the office of Town and City Clerk, and no radical groups to be beholden to.
