Thursday, September 10, 2009

Big Government » ACORN Baltimore Prostitution Investigation


  1. This group has been stealing our tax dollars for years. This group who 'gathered' voter registrations - explains that election - and has been found to be involved in more crimes than there is room to list. They are in line to get money from HR3200 according to Sen Dodd (D).
    Of course Acorn will say, it’s just those few people, not Acorn. Do they really think we’ll believe that these people could lick a stamp without instructions? They were trained by Acorn and it’s affiliates.
    So they fire them and give them time to crawl back under their rocks since it will take forever to charge them with the federal crimes they have 'allegedly' (just for you) committed. The local Baltimore people will be afraid to do anything without approval of the head of Acorn - you know, B. Obama.

  2. Remember, ACORN is the organization that Mr. Obama said he was going to invite to help him shape his agenda before he was elected. Amazing.

  3. These women are Obama-like. Look at the other groups/people he runs around with:
    Rev. Wright - America brought 9/11 on itself.
    W. Ayers - Leads a groups that kills law enforcement and bombs government buildings.
    V. Jones - Self admitted Communist, and Felon.
    H. Chavez - Dictator/Oppressor in South America

    I could go on forever. Look who he distances himself from:
    Families of 9/11
    Wounded Soldiers (take ANY 6 month period of the Bush admin and compare it to the past 6 months) Does not honor, nor visit the wounded or dead of Iraq/Afghanistan
    If this destroyer of America is Re-Elected, then this country gets what it deserves.

  4. Firing two employees is not enough. I couldn't believe I was seeing video footage of Acorn workers explain how to have under age girls working in a brother by claiming them as dependents and how to get a mortgage for a home that will be used as a brothel. I am so disgusted that we have a crooked agency like that receiving government stimulus money. ACORN would have helped a pimp and prostitute bring in illegal immigrants to work as underage sex workers. This is amazingly AMORAL AND CORRUPT. We're facilitating this amoral behavior with our tax dollars and of course not a word has been reported about this disgusting activity on ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, or even the New Britain Herald. Because it is negative information about one of Obama's favorite organizations, they will not report it. If it were not for Fox News, we would not even know about this disgusting situation. Sean Hannity is correct when he says the media is dead in this country.
