Monday, September 14, 2009



  1. Amen to this. Denuzze has been a respectful and dedicated Town Clerk. That his party abandoned him for the "connected" Suzanne Bielinski is not news. The NB Democratic Town Committee sacrifices their stalwart Democrats for the nasty Lopes, Sherwood, Gerratana, McNamara, DeFronzo, O'Brien, Geragosian, commie type individuals. Nobody except this group likes Bielinski or falls for her charade.

    Vote for Denuzze, honestyr, hard work and dedication to NB people, not the DTC

  2. We are also boggled as to why the Democratic Town Committee didn't endorse Denuzze in the first place?

    My take on this is that Denuzze refused to dance like a puppet for McNamara and he does not like it when he can't absolutely control someone like a puppet.

  3. according to the Debaser:

    Working Families Party: Biggest Media Whores in Connecticut

  4. Sounds like Bielinski is trying to get "two bites of the apple" by forcing a primary for the Democratic nomination when she is going to be on the ballot no matter what the voters decide on Tuesday because she already has the nomination of the ACORN front group, Working Families Party which in my opinion is a misnomer to make the front group for ACORN appear that they actually represent working families.

  5. bye bye Democrats:

    Despite sweeping Democratic successes in the past two national elections, continuing job losses and President Barack Obama's slipping support could lead to double-digit losses for the party in next year's congressional races and may even threaten their House control. Fifty-four new Democrats were swept into the House in 2006 and 2008, helping the party claim a decisive majority as voters soured on a Republican president and embraced Obama's message of hope and change. Many of the new Democrats are in districts carried by Republican John McCain in last year's presidential contest; others are in traditional swing districts that have proved tough for either party to hold.

  6. The Fox News report also indicated that ACORN's status as a tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3) organization may be in jeopardy. A spokesman for Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif, told Fox News that ACORN should be stripped of that designation.

    The spokesman, Kurt Bardella, told "Certainly, as an organization being subsidized by taxpayer dollars, their relationship with other government entities should be called into question, and whether or not it's appropriate for them to receive taxpayer dollars."

  7. I'm sure if the Democratic Town Committee won't support Denuzze the
    voters will.

  8. Maybe it is time that the Democratic Party actually started listening to the voters, instead of dictating to us based on a liberal extremist agenda.

  9. Way to go Bizy Bee, you called it correct, at least that is how the voters saw it!
