Sunday, September 27, 2009

Buy Insurance or Go to Jail? - The Note

Obama-Care Anyone?


  1. The most disturbing fact about all of this is that this will mainly impact poor people, because HR3200 mandates that you turn over access to your bank account to allow the government to withdraw health care fees and penalties as they see it, the only people that could face jail are the people who either don't have a checking account, or the people who are too poor to have the $1,900.00 lying around in their checking account--in either case the poorest of the poor.

    So in summary, the Democrats plan to jail some of the very people they claim this bill is meant to help, simply because they don't have the money to pay a fine for failing to have the money to buy health insurance!

    Way to go Democrats!

  2. A vast majority of the American public does not question HR3200. They are looking to the goverment
    to solve the health insurance problem. They will vote for those
    who support it.

  3. This socialist regime needs to be chased out of Washington before they turn America into the new USSR-The United States Socialist Republic, land of the freeloader and home of the handout.

  4. There are undoubtedly some people out there who cannot afford health insurance, i.e., single parents working minimum wage, college students not covered under their parents insurance policies, etc...If they had $1,900 in a bank account, they would be able to have health insurance. What is the minimum age required to have insurance..21, 18, 12, newborns?

  5. $1,900 in the bank will afford you health insurance! Get real. My family is comvered through an HMO.
    We contribute $3,800 per year and the company pays more than $12,000
    on our behalf! Our co-pays have gone up each year too. Only one adult in our house carries the health insurance which now provides
    for three of our adult children to age 26 (new law in CT) so long as they are not married. I am one of the people who is on the fence about goverment health care. I don't want the goverment in my life
    especially regarding my health care. However, healthcare in America desperatly needs an entire overhall. The question is how to do it and do right so that all Americans have a better system.

    Health Insurance should not be tied to employment. The sickest people, the disabled, the young are usually the very people who do not have coverage. The ones who need it the most. Healthy working people have insurance unless or until they become sick and cannot work. This system isn't working.

  6. Annonymous said... A vast majority of the American public does not question HR3200. They are looking to the goverment
    to solve the health insurance problem. They will vote for those
    who support it.

    This guys has been drinking too much of the kool-aid! The Rasmussen poll shows that 81% of Americans are happy with their health care and want the government to do NOTHING whatsoever about health care. I believe the correct phrase has been "HANDS OFF MY HEALTH CARE!"

    Poll after poll shows that any Congressman who votes for this nonsense can consider himself gone in 2010. Obama is leading his own party right into it's own demise!

  7. How much do the office holders, whether Federal, State, or local, pay for insurance? Or do their employers pay for it?

  8. This is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

    American citizens can go to jail for not paying for health care while every illegal alien will be guaranteed free health care at the expense of the very citizens they plan to imprison for not buying health care.

    Only a socialist Democrat could possibly dream up something so ridiculous.
