Sunday, September 13, 2009

Charges: State Employees Using Computers For Personal Business - Capitol Watch


  1. Big Surprise, legislative employees using computers at the capitol for sending out "dirt" on candidates?
    The least they could do is identify themselves, although it may be surmised with 98.8% accuracy who the accusers are. If/when these employees are found, they should be put on unpaid probation at least until the municipal elections are over.

  2. Gerratana the "boy who would be Tax Collector"and Rick "I don't pay nb taxes" Lopes are the likely culprits. People like these two juveniles have devolved politics to the nasty business that it has become today especially in nb. They are the reason why good people refuse to get involved thus attracting only trough feeders and less than desireable candidates for municipal offices. Keep up the great work dems and before you know it there will be nobody involved!

  3. How could Gerrantana pay NB taxes when until just a few months back he was living in a pool house in Berlin, but using the address of his father's house to claim he lived in New Britain?

  4. These guys are the equivalent of the schoolyard bully.
    Someday it will all catch up with them, and they will wonder what happened???
