Thursday, September 24, 2009

the DEBASER: A Conversation Concerning the Race for the Mayor of New Britain


  1. According to today's Herald the democrats played nice at last night's council meeting. What happened?

    All the bad press catching up with them? Last week they viciously attacked the City's independent auditor and then they accept them for another City contract? The City also closed the books with a surplus. They bitterly complained about fiscal mismanagement. What happened?

    Since the election is rapidly approaching are they changing their stripes in an effort to get re-elected? Are they getting pounded going door to door by the educated electorate?

    Sorry. The time has indeed come for a new slate of elected leaders.
    Integrity and honesty DO matter.

  2. sounds like Watergate, New Britain style!

  3. I wonder how Gerratana's family feels about seeing the family name embarrassed like this, especially if the younger Gerratana really didn't do anything other than taking one for the team as many are suggesting?

  4. Not only did yound Gerratana take a hit, his aunt, Bielinski took a hit. Does this mean that the Left Wing Loonies did not come out for her OR did Pete have a sizeable group of friends who cared enough to correct the misjudgemnt. Either way, we got rid of both members of that family. On to nobler things!

  5. I would have like the conversation to continue so I could listen to Little Mac swearing!
