Saturday, September 19, 2009

the DEBASER: How Not to Run a Political Campaign


  1. I agree there is something suspicious about Gerratana's sudden "coming clean" confession and I was suspicious about the possibility that he was covering for someone else even before reading the article written by the Debaser. The taped interview where he repeatedly denied any involvement, followed by his confession the very next day always raised many questions for me.

    I wonder if we will ever know the entire truth about this nasty business of abusing state computers--especially since the IT department appears to be circling the wagons and hiding behind the FOI Commission to avoid revealing the truth about their investigation--if there really was one at all.

    It seems to me that there is a need for an outside agency like the state police or the state auditors to verify that the abuse of these state computers was investigated thoroughly and that proper safeguards were put in place to prevent similar abuses.

    When we have the investigators being less than forthcoming with their conclusions, how can we be assured that there are not more abuses to these computers that house much sensitive information about state taxpayers?

    Maybe it is time for the Governor to intervene to assure the safety of the personal information housed in these computers about the millions of state residents who have had the need to contact their elected officials for assistance with sensitive issues?

  2. It does appear that the Senator is protecting the democratic candidate Tim O'Brien.

    Why did he jump into the "Frey" at all?

    The only candidate running of the three persons named is Tim O'Brien.

    That is who the Senator is protecting.

  3. Anonymous said...
    It does appear that the Senator is protecting the democratic candidate Tim O'Brien.

    Why did he jump into the "Frey" at all?

    The only candidate running of the three persons named is Tim O'Brien.

    That is who the Senator is protecting.

    September 19, 2009 1:46 PM


  4. You mean using a state computer to post viscous lies about your opponent is not a good campaign practice?

  5. It continues to be a bad year to be a Democrat:

    The Quinnipiac poll showed Rell with huge leads over her lesser-known opponents - beating Bysiewicz by 21 points, Malloy by 32 points, and Amann by 40 points. Some Democrats say that polls so far ahead of an election are meaningless, but Rell's supporters counter that she was far ahead in the 2006 polls from start to finish - correctly foreshadowing a blowout election victory by 63 percent to 35 percent over New Haven Mayor John DeStefano. The 28-point spread was one of the widest in recent Connecticut gubernatorial history.

  6. I find it interesting how the Mayor is upset about Gerratana posting comments to a blog while working on State computers and while on the clock, however the Mayor has no issue posting comments using the City’s computers and while he is on the clock. Doesn’t the City have rules concerning using City computers for personal use? Are these rules for everyone but the Mayor? Is he exempt from our laws and rules? I think the City and the State should have these blogs blocked so that nobody can access them while on the taxpayers dime.

    One needs to take post on these blogs with a grain of salt. When one of our elected officials publicly threatens to “spit in the face” (which, by the way, is against the law) of someone who posted a negative comment about his wife on this blog if he ever finds out who posted the comment, we get a glimpse into the heart and mind of this elected official and one can’t help but ask, do we really want this kind of person in a position of leadership for our city?

  7. New Britain Town CrierSeptember 20, 2009 at 3:59 PM

    The sleazy levels that the Democrats are stooping to just exemplifies how desperate they are getting because they are becoming increasingly aware that they have a snow ball's chance in hell in getting their radical extremist candidate elected.

  8. "One needs to take post on these blogs with a grain of salt. When one of our elected officials publicly threatens to “spit in the face” (which, by the way, is against the law) of someone who posted a negative comment about his wife on this blog if he ever finds out who posted the comment, we get a glimpse into the heart and mind of this elected official and one can’t help but ask, do we really want this kind of person in a position of leadership for our city?"

    Only someone like Sherwood would have a directory of which comments are legal. Imagine knowing that it is "illegal" to spit in the face of someone. Hundreds of people I know would prefer this person to a hater like Sherwood. Sherwood criticizes Frank Smith's blog but continues to read it. What's the matter Phil, nobody to talk with? Try Rich Marzi.

  9. Sherwood always seems to be declaring what is legal or illegal, like when he keeps claiming someone threatened him on this blog with language that wasn't even threatening?

  10. Hey Frank, a number of the high ranking Democratic leaders are constantly telling people to ignore your blog, always claiming that you only have 8 readers.

    I am very surprised to learn that Phil Sherwood is one of those 8.

  11. Frank, Little Mac must also be one of the 8 because he is constantly debasing your blog on his own scandal sheet, you know the one where he had to answer to the Herald for his misquoting of their reporting???
