Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Denuzze wins primary by small landslide - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com)

By: James Craven


  1. Congratulations, Peter Denuzze...we knew you would win :)

  2. Little Mac must be spitting nails because the voters (albeit, We the People") have rejected his radical candidate!

  3. Embarassing Mr. MacNamara! You couldn't even turn out 10% of your Democrats. Sounds like you have a loyalty problem, or are they just tired of your nonsense?

  4. The people have spoken!

  5. Congratulations Mr. Denuzze.

    The public has responded in kind to the great job you have been doing for 16 years!

    Keep up the good work!

  6. Poor Little Mac!

    Must be crying in his Barrack Berry soda today.

  7. I truly wish we have seen the last of the McNamara era and begin fresh with honest democratic minded people. Get rid of the Trueworthy's, Belinski's, Gerranta's, Sherwoods, Cantanzaro's, Hermanowski's, etc. and bring in a fresh team of civic minded canidates with the motto "nothing is free" - you must work to succeed and earn your own way. Pete Denuzze is that type of person.
