Friday, September 4, 2009

Murphy addresses health care concerns of union retirees - The New Britain Herald (



  1. The hard-working Americans in this country should have a decision and a voice in how our health care and how our health insurance is delivered or reformed. The majority of the American public are responsible individuals who do not seek goverment assistance to provide for them. We are not and were not crying out about health care and health insurance. Yes, cost have been rising and we might all benefit from being able to purchase our health insurance on our own through competitive rates
    and private companies but to have
    a public plan ultimately dictated to us violates our right to freedom
    in America.

    The goverment is proposing that the small percentage of un-insured,
    under-insured and govement dependents will determine what happens to the rest of us who have tried to live our lives doing the right thing. The hard working already provide for those who cannot or will not provide for themselves. National healthcare will be paid for by raising taxes on the working people. The goverment suggests that we can remain in our current private health systems if we are happy with that however that will quickly become an extra payment for us in addition to paying for everyone else who is on the public plan. We will be brought to our knees and in no time everyone but
    the rich will be on a goverment system for health care.

    This is an important issue for every single American. Reform, competive insurance rates, new private health insurance companies
    would create new jobs less goverment dependency, cost savings to employers and what drives this
    great nation, competitive working conditions, the goal to be the best
    to aquire the most business and provide excellence in the product
    delivered whether it's the insurance company or your doctor.
    That will never happen with a goverment run program.

    You know how much you love going to DMV... you take a number and everytime you almost get called the
    worker takes a break, looks so happy to be at their job. Welcome
    to goverment provided health care.
    Maybe if the state of CT closes the DMV offices they can move those
    state employees over to the goverment health offices.

  2. We can only hope that the non-union seniors who are Democrats will remember how Chris Murphy excluded them.

    Does he realize that he is the representative of all of the people in his district?

    He must think that we are not swift enough to realize that his scheduling is the easy way out. He met with people at 5:00 PM in Washington, CT, only union retirees in NB, selected a few to come to his office and met with a small group at 8:00AM in Waterbury.

    Hello! Heh, Chris, how about a Town Hall in your largest city, New Britain at 7:00PM some evening with lots of notice. Is that asking too much or are you planning on being a one term congressman?

  3. New Britain Town CrierSeptember 4, 2009 at 11:57 AM

    Once again Murphy puts on a show so he can claim to have held a meeting in New Britain, but once again it is a staged meeting with hand picked union thugs being the only ones allowed to attend.

    Why do you continue to hide from you constituents, Mr. Murphy? Are you ashamed of your plans to ram government control of our health care down all of our throats, because you know that the overwhelming majority of your constituents are opposed to the President's socialist plans?

  4. One of Congressman Murphy’s favorite community activist groups – Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) has been posting this message on their Website:
    “There are some health care rallies and town hall meetings scheduled, providing us a great opportunity to thank the Connecticut delegation for their leadership on national health care reform and to send them back to work. Each of these events is an opportunity for you to tell our elected officials that we want quality, affordable health care with a public insurance option now! Details on the events are below. Look for the one nearest to you, and attend to ensure that your voice is heard!”
    Now who is being self righteous and hypocritical here! Isn’t it groups like CCAG who have bemoaned the fact that the Town Hall meetings are nothing more staged events by far right extremists, Astroturf Suburban wives, Nazi’s and old white men?

    Convenient of Congressman Murphy to hold a meeting with a group of retired union seniors who share the same opinions as Congressman Murphy... Then the paper reports that it is basically a love fest with everyone in favor of a Public Health Plan. Not So!

    Our Congressman is not going to listen to the voters of his district. He is a loyal follower of Nancy Pelosi. He is not a leader! The 5th district needs someone who will stand-up to special interest groups and to work for us, the people who live in this district. After all, Chris Murphy works for us, not the other way around. Remember his actions come 2010 elections. Only we, the voters, can send him packing back to the Connecticut Citizen Action Group.

  5. Many democrat leaders are good people and want the best for
    their constituents. Unfortunately you left wing marxists hijacked our party. For that reason all of you need to be replaced. I don't want to see a republican majority in both housesbut thats the only way to stop this madness and start repelaing all the crap your marxist left wing has crapped on us with!
