Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pinnacle Heights property gets grant - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com)

by: James Craven Staff Reporter


  1. Frank:

    Let's see if the NB Council Democrats can find a way to obstruct this grant.

  2. I fully expect more theater staged by the theatrical company of Trueworthy, Sherwood and their groupies.

    Sherwood will no doubt have another brilliant attack on this plan, like asking the developer of Pinnacle Heights "Where's the Beef?" or Platosh's brilliant comments about the possibility of a restaurant owner looking to do business here in New Britain as selling hot dogs from China, or even Eve M's brilliant comments to the auditor about running the multi-million dollar budget of the city the way she runs her checkbook.

    If their childish antics weren't destroying business opportunities here in New Britain, they might even be considered funny.

  3. During an interview with Bill O'Reilly tonight, Congressman Barney Frank said as an elected official, he is sworn to uphold the law.

    It is too bad that the dirty 13 on the New Britain City Council, (the 13 who voted along with Catanzaro to ignore his ethics violation and direct violation of the city charter by speaking on and voting on his own personal matter) don't understand this concept of being sworn to uphold the law!
