Friday, September 11, 2009

Political smears against mayor traced to state Capitol - The New Britain Herald (

by: James Craven


  1. Look no further than Tim O's campaign manager - Rick Lopes.

  2. Let's see; who in New Britain is connected in some way not only to New Britain politics but also has direct access to state computers. Who is is that has a direct (close to nine years old) history of registering SEEC complaints against the Mayor and Lou Salvio? It could be any one of a dozen or more people currently on the scene of local and state politics. Just take a guess and you'll hit your target. One of them signs his name to blogs but the others don't. These people know who they are. But they should also know that the police can find out and abviopusly, so can the newspapers or others that own the blog sites. As a matter of fact, it's already been done.

    Dirty politics is nothing new - even Jesus Christ couldn't avpoid it.

    Lou Salvio

  3. Frank -- its obviously Rick Lopes Greg Gerratana. They're the ones with axes to grind.

  4. Where is the investigation by the Capitol Police as to who is using these computers for purposes that violate state regulations? Are they afraid of what they may find out?

  5. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the perpetrator(s) are. When they're found out, hopefully charges will be brought against them. We know the saying.."Do the crime, Pay the time".
    You can run but you can't hide.

  6. One need only to look at who would gain from a smear campaign against the Mayor? Then ask who his surrogates are and have been for the past year and one will quickly realize that they are members of the Common Council both past and present.People should know the persons that they vote for in this city and this issue certainly indicates the type of people that the democrats have encouraged to get involved over the past six years.
    A persons family should be off limits in the political world unless they are engaged in it personally. Piling on to an issue that should have never made it to the papers shows how low these people will go. I hope the r's at the capitol demand answers from these people and I'm sure Donovan their leaders response will be "It's really no big deal" once again.

  7. If this "smear campaign" is proven to be emanating from Lopes' and Gerratana's Capitol complex computers both of these people should be fired and their Senate and State House sponsors censured. I too hope that the Republican leaders in the State House and Senate and The State Republican Party make sure that this situation does not become a Democratic whitewash issue.

  8. I for one like the Herald. I notice a lot going back and forth but I think it is painting a fair picture of the city and the candidates in the upcoming election. There's always a lot of articles on the city and, lets face it, without the Herald we don't have a paper. It may not always say what we want, but we should support our paper.

  9. Bizy Bee Fan said...
    If this "smear campaign" is proven to be emanating from Lopes' and Gerratana's Capitol complex computers both of these people should be fired and their Senate and State House sponsors censured. I too hope that the Republican leaders in the State House and Senate and The State Republican Party make sure that this situation does not become a Democratic whitewash issue.

    September 12, 2009 12:40 PM

    It's been suggested many times over the past few years that Richard Lopes should be fired for his antics. He's nothing but a source of embarrassment to Senator Defronzo.

  10. " Anonymous said...
    " Anonymous said...
    Ironic how this is news while the mayor is in the middle of taking care of his slumlord buddies by gutting the blight laws.

    Ironic how this is news, but no one mentions that Lou Salvio and his wife were caught, found guilty and convicted of stealing from their own campaign fund. Unlike Lopes & Palmer who were exonerated, the Salvio's were guilty and paid hefty fines and had accept guilty verdicts from a judge!"

    Notice that this comment was received and posted at 10:30 p.m., last night, after the PZH meeting. This is typical of all Sherwood/Lopes dirty tricks. If the author(s) of the comments were to be exposed the comments would be understood to be those of two pathological liars who stoop to attacking innocent spouses of candidates. Incidentally, there was no judge involved only the State Elections Enforcement Commission. Find out who heads up that group (you want to talk conflicts and fines) and who is a member of that Commission.

    September 9, 2009 12:23 PM"

    If anyone wants to know what this blogger was talking about, read the column by Kevin Rennie in the Sunday, 9/13/09 Courant and find out what Garfield is all about. Guess who works for the SEEC? That's correct, Greg Gerratana's mother who is the sister of Suzanne Bielinski. Suzanne is the endorsed candidate of the Working Families Party and the NB Democratic Town Committee for Town Clerk. Greg has the sames endorsements for Tax Collector. Who would have thought?
