Sunday, September 20, 2009

ACORN can't dodge charges


  1. ACORN Founder Wade Rathke Wanted Terrorist Attack on Republican Convention to Succeed By Matthew Vadum

    ACORN founder Wade Rathke didn't have a problem with domestic terrorists trying to kill delegates at the Republican Party's national convention in 2008, former radical community organizer Brandon Darby suggests at Andrew Breitbart's new website Big Government.

    Darby, who got to see how the ACORN crime syndicate operates up close in New Orleans, writes that after he acknowledged that he helped the FBI foil a plot to attack the RNC convention in Minnesota Rathke denounced him on his blog.

  2. Congress Targets ACORN in a Bipartisan Way
    Congressional Republicans are clearly united against funneling federal dollars to the community organizing group ACORN. But surprisingly, so are many Democrats.

  3. It is easy to run a criminal enterprise when you have the President protecting you. This is how he is redistributing the wealth to the poor people. They are repaying him by forming his storm troopers--labor unions.
