Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pratt&Whitney Driven away by extremists

Republican American


  1. The Republican American is correct. This is an example of what the extremists in the legislature have done to destroy business here in Connecticut:

    Connecticut's corporate tax rate is 25 percent higher than Georgia's and its electricity costs are more than twice as much.

    Average hourly wages for manufacturing employees in Connecticut are nearly 39 percent higher than in Georgia.

    Pratt's operating costs in Columbus, Ga., and Japan would be 40 percent lower than in Cheshire and East Hartford; and 170 percent lower in Singapore.

  2. It reminds me of a communist dictatorship when government has the power to dictate to a private employer where they are going to be located and who they must employ. Is Blumenthal that much of a communist?

  3. How many businesses will want to locate here once the news gets out that once they are here, they are going to be held captive as if they were behind the Berlin Wall?

    Great job Mr. Blumenthal of scaring away any businesses that may have been dumb enough to come here in the first place. You are proving yourself to be a true Democrat!

  4. This is a response to Governor Duvall Patrick's program that gives free cars, AAA memberships, prepaid car insurance and all necessary car repairs paid for by the state to its welfare recipients, but the same logic applies here in CT:

    Maybe, just maybe, if the most productive members of society who own the businesses and make the investments that drive the economy didn’t have to contend which sky-high tax rates that fund free cars for people who don’t have a job (or, in a lot of instances, don’t want a job) there would be more money for them to start businesses and invest.

  5. O'Brien must be disappointed that he didn't come up with the idea of giving free cars to people on welfare!

  6. Just viewing the comments here makes me cringe. The real issue is the cost of doing business in Connecticut. That is cut and dry.
    40 years ago people claimed that Japan could not produce quality cars, cheap labor, uneducated workers shabby workmanship etc, etc, etc... Well look what they have done!! Most of those same buy American, boycott Japanese products folks now drive what is considered the most reliable car in the world; A HONDA! People need to wake up. Our fore fathers who built this country did so not with cushy guaranteed jobs. They did it out of necessity. They did not expect handouts; they did not have contracts that guaranteed that their jobs would not leave.
    Henry Ford made a killing on "cheap" labor. He put many skilled workers out of work with the mechanized production line. Yet He revolutionized the industry eventually employing millions worldwide. All we do today is whine and want more benefits and unrealistic guarantees. So many benefits that they bankrupt the whole industrial complex.
    Here in New Britain Stanley Works is a great example of this. Immigrant workers with a fair wage built a worldwide tool company. But eventually the unions and state government made New Britain a ghost town. More benefits more taxes more, more, more, more…
    Ask yourselves why the factories are gone. Was it the owners or the ever growing weight of guaranteed benefits? Was it guaranteed benefits that crushed the industrialist work ethic?
    My guess is that the average New Britain Stanley Works union employee probably cost Stanley approximately $110,000 a year to employ after pensions and benefits. I doubt that a press operator at Stanley works in New Brittan made them more than 110,000 dollars yearly. Think about it that they would be lucky if the company can break even.
    I believe that fair wage for work is essential yet I also believe that when the work dries up that these guaranteed wages (and overtime) crush our industries and force them to look elsewhere for lower overhead.

    Folks it really is cut and dry

  7. Independent Voter, perhaps you didn't hear that Tim O'Brien promised to return 27,400 manufacturing jobs to New Britain if he is elected mayor?

    68% of WTIC listeners disagree with Democrat Denise Nappier's brainstorm!

    State Treasurer Denise Nappier Has Suggested That UTC's Top Executives Take A Paycut To Help Keep Two Soon-To-Be Closed Plants Open. Do You Agree?
    ( 32% )
    ( 68% )
