Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rep. Tim O'Brien's Aide Suspended Over Use of State-Owned Computers In New Britain Mayoral Campaign - Capitol Watch

Rep. Tim O'Brien's Aide Suspended Over Use of State-Owned Computers In New Britain Mayoral Campaign - Capitol Watch


  1. A one week suspension seems rather minor punishment consider the severity of the violation, doesn't it?

  2. Full suspension of this position will occur when Tim O'Brien loses
    both the municipal election and then his 24th district seat next November. These guys better start now looking for jobs in the private
    sector. You know times are tough and jobs don't come easy unless you have friends in the right places.

    No wonder they go to any nasty length to out-seat Mayor Stewart.
    They are just trying to put food
    on their tables.

  3. Strolled by Tim Obriens campaign office on Broad Street. Odd thing is that all he has up are signs for his re-election?!?!

    Tim what games are you playing anyways? Are you running for Mayor or are you running for re-election?

    What gives?

    Maybe we could do like Mass and make the rules as we go so that you don't have to run for re election.

  4. Minor punishment indeed. Or is he a fall guy for someone else?

  5. Jim Craven's artice ("Gerratana suspended", 9/16/09) quted Douglas Whiting of the state House Democrats as having said,"Greg admitted to all of it...". I believe Greg said that but I don't believe he did everything without a little help from his "friends." Greg couldn't have known all the things about which he blogged without talking with his buddies at the capitol. Word is out there that he took the fall for another legislative aide to a state senator. That aide would have had to be fired if the truth were known. Greg told Craven on one day that he never lied, he never blogged from his state computer and that he wouldn't do that stuff (all recorded). The next day, Gerratana admitted to everything. He had to lie to do this! Even his "boss" O'Brien had lied because O'Brien knew what Gerratana had done as recently as 9/11/09, but chose not to say anything. What a stand up guy!
    DeFronzo said that his aide, Rick Lopes had been cleared of any wrong doing be the GAITSoffice. Like Lopes couldn't have told Gerratana what to write! Another stand up guy is our Donald.

  6. The enforcement group succeeded only in getting Gerratana. DeFronzo saw to it that his aide got another pass.
