Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Republican Slate (now with more bipartisanship) | New Britain RTC


  1. The Stewart Team is rapidly shaping up as the "only team" for New Britain. Even Alderwoman Bielinski is now apparently supporting the Stewart Team!

  2. NB Town Committee Vice Chairman Bob Sanchez will be honored on October 24th as a “citizen of the year” at the 12th annual Awards Gala in Hartford sponsored by the Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission.

    Sanchez was also recommended by the Democratic Town Committee to fill a current vacancy on the NB Board of Education.

    “New Britain Democrats congratulate Bob for this statewide honor,” said DTC Chairman John McNamara. “His work in early childhood education serves hundreds of families and children in the city and he is widely respected in the education community. His efforts to register voters and encourage citizen participation has set an example for others to follow.”

  3. Anonymous said...
    The Stewart Team is rapidly shaping up as the "only team" for New Britain. Even Alderwoman Bielinski is now apparently supporting the Stewart Team!
    September 26, 2009 11:11 PM

    Is Alderwoman Bielinski hoping the Republicans will recruit her to run for a position on the Republican ticket? The Republicans are doing good with the candidates they have...don't spoil a good thing!
