Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sarah Palin: Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care - WSJ.com

The president's proposals would give unelected officials life-and-death rationing powers.


  1. Sean Hannity described Obama's planned address to the joint session of Congress as an act of desperation.

    Hannity went on to explain that when Obama fails to transform the country into an authoritarian state through his attempt at government control of everyone's health care, his entire presidency will be doomed as a total failure!

  2. Be careful what you say about Obama, he should be able to hear you all the way from Washington with those bid Dumbo ears. Is that why they call him a Dumbocrat?

  3. These comments in no way support our current goverment administration however,

    If you have health insurance and everything is working fine in your life why look to change it.

    If you have no health insurance by no choice of your own and everyday you worry that a major illness could break you, maybe this public
    thing is better than nothing.

    Certainly those who are doing just fine should not have to do less well in order for those who have nothing to have something.

    It's the great debate and the great divide.

    One thing is certain the insurance companies and the high cost of medical insurance is a huge and growing problem. There is enormous
    greed in the insurance industry that prevents every american from affording health insurance coverage. The costs are breaking businesses too and contribute to cut-backs and layoffs.

    The administration just wants to push "something" through to get change inacted. It doesn't appear well thought out and items in the health bill are extremely controversial.

    I am blessed today to have health insurance maybe you are too. However, we never know when that could change and then what side of the debate would we find ourselve on?

    This is an opportunity for the insurance companies, employers, the policy makers and the public
    to get this right. It shouldn't be rushed and then clean-up the mess later. We all deserve improvement to health insurance and
    the assurance that our health care
    will continue to be the best in the world and a model for others to
    look to.

  4. Anonymous said...If you have no health insurance by no choice of your own and everyday you worry that a major illness could break you, maybe this public
    thing is better than nothing.

    Listen to what Ronald Reagan said on the subject in 1961. This has absolutely nothing to do with health care. It is about transforming this nation into total socialism through putting a dictator in charge of every aspect of your life. It doesn't matter whether you have private health insurance or not, HR 3200 puts your health care and all your health care decisions under the direct control of the Health Choices Commissioner--an Obama Czar. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  5. Anonymous said...If you have no health insurance by no choice of your own and everyday you worry that a major illness could break you, maybe this public
    thing is better than nothing.---

    Unlike Canada and the UK, no one is denied necessary treatment in this country whether or not they have insurance.

    Government run health care has been an absolute disaster everywhere it has been tried. Why do you think the U.S. currently has more than twice the survival rate for a long list of diseases over the UK and Canada. Just more evidence that we already have the best health care in the world, which is why people flock here for badly needed treatments from a long list of countries with government health care.

  6. Why don't you drop down to the New Britain Motor Vehicle Office and watch what an efficient well oiled machine that operates like, then tell me if you want your health care to run like the DMV, the Post Office or even the VA health system that currently has a 7 month wait for a veteran to see a doctor.

  7. Nobody is denied treatment for a serious illness in this country, true, we treat everybody it is the moral thing to do. However when
    an un-insured person FINALLY gets diagnosed after going without any
    preventative or well-care the outcome is far worse for the patient and the expense is far worse for the taxpayer.
