Friday, September 4, 2009

Sen. Kit Bond calls for investigation of Green Jobs Czar Van Jones | Washington Examiner


  1. Bringing people like this into the White House and giving them power is dangerous. This man needs to be relieved of his duties before he does some real damage. This administration is really making a mockery of itself. What don't we know about the other czars?

  2. Tell me where blacks have a higher standard of living then they do in the USA !

    I think this man has me confused with someone from the 1800's.
    If you are going to continue to focus your ineptness and lack of professionalism on some 100 year old race issue then exactly how is this country ever going to move forward? For someone to have been appointed to a position in the White house and then still whine about race issues, is perhaps just a bit immature and unproductive, not to mention divisive and just plain antagonistic..
