Wednesday, September 2, 2009

State Legislators In Now-Infamous Solitaire Photo Identified - Capitol Watch


  1. According to John Geragosian (D-New Britain) chair of appropriations state spending was cut. John PLEASE fix your computer! Or at least get the solataire programs off state computers. State spending increased. You borrowed $1.0B to cover YOUR mandated Sustinet coverage bill (this by the way will continually increase year in and year out), you used ALL of the $1.5B rainy day funds, used the one time $1.0B federal stimulus money.

    What will happen in 2012 when you have NO rainy day fund, NO federal stimulus and NO union concessions?

    The state is in the BOTTOM fifth of economic growth and almost LAST in job creation (this since, surprise-surprise, the state income tax went into effect). Oh those lovely political operatives working in all those state funded non-profits. So many mouths to feed. So many democratic campaigns to work on.

    Governor. Sorry. Don't ask for support this time around.

  2. Hey John: Remind Tim O'Brien too!

  3. O'Brien wasn't in the photo. Could it be one of the days he was away from the Capitol, participating in radical protests that ran another employer out of New Britain?
