Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stewart responds to attacks - The New Britain Herald (


  1. Frank,
    I doesn't suprise me that this type of behavior has continued from the day that this individual took office two years ago. He along with several others have demonstrated an unwillingness to work with this administration and have continued to try and torpedo the many initiatives put before them. Ask them why they need to caucus for a half hour before meetings to line up the voting on the issues? They have even called the city corrupt on many occasions casting a negative light on the city that they are supposed to be serving.
    I don't really care about the criticism of me per sey but family members should always be off limits for anyone who elects to go into public life. It's a wonder why so many will not get involved in the political life today when they can expect treatment like this it certainly gives all politicians a bad name even the well intentioned. Thanks guys!

  2. The only remarkable thing is that Stewart hasn't abandoned this city a long time ago. How many people would be willing to endure the childish games as dealt out by McNamara, Trueworthy, Sherwood, and company.

    Isn't it about time you had elected representatives that represented your best interests, instead of using their position to pursue their liberal, left wing agenda?

  3. It would best serve the residents of New Britain if the liberal democrats serving on the city council were voted out this November.
