Friday, September 25, 2009

The Stewart Team, The Only Choice That Will End The Childish Games!


At the hands of its Chairman, John McNamara, the Democratic Party abandoned City Clerk Peter Denuzze after his 15 years of loyal service with their endorsement of Suzanne Bielinski for Town & City Clerk, but as the general public expected, and to the surprise of the extremist radicals heading up the local Democratic Party, when Chairman McNamara threw Denuzze under the bus, the chairman was unable to deliver the vote for his radical candidate in the recent primary, so in effect that bus reversed itself and backed right over McNamara.

Now with last night's news of Peter Denuzze's decision to join Team Stewart and accept the GOP nomination for Town & City Clerk, to have such a prominent city Democrat join Mayor Stewart's Team, is like having that same bus run over Chairman McNamara again, and then back right over him a second time.

The public has clearly rejected the likes of the Working Families Party with their rejection of Bielinski. Now with the addition of Peter Denuzze to Team Stewart, it brings the total to 4 Democrats and 3 Unaffiliated voters on the mayor's team, showing that he has been willing to cross political lines to select the best person for each job, without regard for partisan politics. As a result, all indication is that a vote for Mayor Stewart's team is the best way to put an end to the petty childish games that have become commonplace on our city council.


  1. No better choice for our Mayor to make in appointing Peter Denuzzee to his Ticket.

    I guess that makes Peter New Britain's first Republicrat.

    Good for Peter.

  2. Frank:

    Amen to your editorial.

    By the way, there are other candidates on the Stewart Team who are Democrats and Independents also. Truly an eclectic effort.

  3. Although I will be voting for the Stewart team, I am not buying into their diversity spiel! My guess is that they did not try hard enough to find the right Republicans for the positions. They were very shorthanded, had a lemon on their hands, had to find substitutes and made lemonade.

    Very clever!

  4. We have good people in our community that want to volunteer their time for public service. When you run with a slate you agree with the ideas of that team. Lemonade is still better than kool aid.

    Mark Bernacki

  5. Although I will be voting for the Stewart team, I am not buying into their diversity spiel! My guess is that they did not try hard enough to find the right Republicans for the positions. They were very shorthanded, had a lemon on their hands, had to find substitutes and made lemonade.

    Very clever!

    ONE QUESTION, how do you explain the fact that they now have 4 Democrats and 3 unaffiliated voters on their ticket if it is just a diversity Spiel to endorse Denuzze?

  6. But what about McNamara's famous Barrack Berry soda? Do you have to sing the Obama worship song (like the school children in New Jersey) as you drink it?

  7. What New Britain really needs are three legitimate political parties. There should be a strong Republican party, a real, good old fashion Democratic Party and a third party made up of the Left Wing Loonies.

    Then we could deal with our own issues and tough it out!

  8. Just get rid of the loonies, and bring back the old Democratic party ideals...none of these immature and socialistic candidates they have now, not to mention the less than ideal leadership of the New Britain Democratic Town Committee. The Wall of Shame is full!

  9. Just get rid of the loonies, and bring back the old Democratic party ideals...none of these immature and socialistic candidates they have now, not to mention the less than ideal leadership of the New Britain Democratic Town Committee. The Wall of Shame is full!

  10. I always liked Betty Boop, whomever you are.

  11. Way to go Betty Boop, the DTC has been hijacked by loons for way too long. It is about time the party was returned to actually representing working people, and not a bunch of phonies using the Working Families name as a front for a disgusting organization like ACORN.

    It should scare every last resident of this city that ACORN could possibly control 7 candidates on this year's ballot. As ACORN Director and WFP co-founder Bertha Lewis was quoted as saying, after the election they know we will come knocking.

    Do you really want your city hall controlled by people who are beholden to the likes of ACORN?

  12. Honestly Anon, I can say for a fact that it is not a result of needing warm bodies to fill the seats. Mayor Stewart is truly committed to his ticket and making it work. People like McNamara are all about winning at whatever cost. They have even tried to threaten and sandbag democrats who would run on the republican ticket. Their ilk is despicable, and the sooner they are out the better.

  13. Time for New DTC Leadership in The City of New Britain...

    The time has arrived for the current New Britain DTC Town Chairman to step down and move on - and for current Vice Chairman Robert "Bobby" Sanchez to step up to the plate - as the New Chairman of the New Britain DTC.

  14. DTC Vice Chairman Robert "Bobby" Sanchez step up to the plate and bring back the Democrat Community News Blog....that the current DTC Chairman cut.

  15. Anonymous said...
    I always liked Betty Boop, whomever you are

    Thanks, anonymous...I have a suspicion you know who I am:)

  16. Now is the time for all good citizens to vote a straight Republican ticket...Make New Britain the great city we know tha we are.

  17. Isn't Robert "Bobby" Sanchez being 'trained' for the Dem. Town Committee chairmanship by John MacNamara? If so, what difference if MacNamara is replaced by Sanchez, other than the fact that Sanchez is younger and better looking than MacNamera?

  18. To: Betty Boop

    I still feel that Bobby Sanchez has too much baggage left over to be any different from what we have had with DeFronzo, McNamara, Sherwood, Lopes and all the other communists currently running the DTC in NB.

  19. Perhaps someone on the Democratic Town Committee can anonymously post who he/she thinks would be a good replacement for his eminance, Mr. Macnamara.

  20. I disagree with those that say NB needs 3 parties, or even those who long for the old DTC. At the local level, party truly doesn't matter. We all want what is best for NB, and we can all agree on pretty much the same things, no matter our political ideology. Good schools and services, low taxes, economic development, and plenty of jobs available in all of the industries that call our city home. It's really not brain surgery, and people need to look at the person, and not the party.
