Wednesday, September 2, 2009 - Failed Leadership, Bogus State Budget


  1. The democrats got their way.

  2. This is the same phony leadership the Democrats are going to bring to New Britain City Hall if you let them!

  3. Boy are the Democrats in the legislature dumb!

    Maryland just did the same thing they are so desperate to do here in CT.

    The Maryland legislature raised taxes on "millionaires" last year, and as a result tax revenues in the state of Maryland are down 3% and they are now facing a $3 billion deficit they can't figure out how to fill. Soon after their Democratic legislature "punished the rich" with tax increases, more than 1,000 "millionaires" moved out of state--leaving them holding the bag.

    Good work Dumbocrats!

  4. frank

    when are you going to launch your attack on the demoncrats for saving dial a ride.

    According to your logic it's a waste of money

  5. When Obama gets through killing off the seniors with his death panels, there will be no need for Dial-A-Ride, because we won't have any seniors left to ride.

  6. Instead of being so worried with Dial-A-Ride, why don't we focus on the sleazy vote against Catanzaro's unanimous ethics violations, as voted by the dirty 13 currently serving on the council.
