Sunday, September 20, 2009



Over the past week or so, some disturbing qualities regarding Representative O’Brien’s character have emerged.

After The Herald reported that nasty comments about Mayor Stewart and his family that were posted on The Herald web site had been traced to computers at the State Capitol, a Republican Representative from Waterbury reportedly asked for an investigation into that unethical behavior by state employees.

On Monday, September 14th, Representative Tim O’Brien, reportedly in response to that investigation request, issued a statement accusing Republicans of running a “campaign of personal attacks, innuendo and insults.”

Although this is the type of rhetoric we normally expect to hear from Representative O’Brien, what I find particularly troubling is that on the very next day, Tuesday, September 15th, The Herald reported that O’Brien knew on Friday, September 11th that his own legislative aid, Greg Gerratana, admitted responsibility for using the state computers to post the personal attacks against Mayor Stewart and his family. O’Brien was reported to have told reporter James Craven that he knew of Gerratana’s admission on Friday, but chose not to say anything.

Now in today’s Herald, Representative O’Brien is quoted as saying: “Elected officials should not engage in negative, personal attacks that distract from the issues” and although he had said last week that he would welcome Gerratana back to work as his aid once his suspension is completed, O’Brien is now quoted as calling Gerratana’s actions “inexcusable” and now says he does not want him to continue to be his aid.

Considering that the personal attacks were posted against O’Brien’s opponent in the race for mayor, and that Greg Gerratana was O’Brien’s aid at the time, these contradictory statements from O’Brien raise more questions than they answer.

The questions remain: What did Representative O’Brien know about these vicious attacks against the mayor and his family, and when did he know it?


  1. What did Tim O'Brien know? The question is What did he pay attention to? He obviously isn't on top of his campaign and those
    who are on his team. And he wants to be our mayor and run the city.

  2. I just read the Herald article where Tim O'Brien informs the readers that he is asking that Gerrantana not be re-instated as his legislative aid today. However he really doesn't take responsibility for what happened later in the interview he continues to express that both sides are guilty of mud-slinging and that he hopes it will now stop
    on both sides?

    Exactly what have the republicans said during this campaign that constitutes negative campaining? The only comments made have been in response to the democrats and their antics.

    The Stewart team is committed to working for the residents in this city and moving forward to get the city business in order after years
    of democratic control and road blocks.

  3. Frank:
    Your editorial has captured the essence of O'Brien: prevaricator; waffler; fence sitter; wind vane; windbag! He must have numerous splinters in his derriere from switching positions.
    Now he vacates his support for Gerratana and his support for every position he took previously about the whole situation. Wait and see; somehow, O'Brien will find a way to blame the Herald or Stewart for everything. Keep up the good work, Frank.

  4. The next task for well informed voters is to fix the ills at the state level in 2010. The campaign starts now.

    Looks like the democrats will be adding to the un-employment statistics. They will need to find
    work in the real democracy. The competive, gotta work hard, private sector.

  5. The real test will be what happens to Gerratana AFTER the election.

    If he's "taken care of," it's business as usual amongst our Democratic colleagues.

  6. Time for New DTC Leadership...

    The time has arrived for the current New Britain DTC Town Chairman to step down - and for Vice Chairman Robert Sanchez to step up to the plate - as the New Chairman of the New Britain DTC.

  7. I'm just waiting to see what kind of $85,000 a year taxpayer funded job the Senator will probably be creating as Gerratana's payoff for taking one for the team?

    No one is asking why the Senator was so quick to jump on the bandwagon, but maybe it is time someone did?

    The sleazy games go on with business as usual.

  8. Maybe it is time to have a DTC chairman who represents the values of the people, instead of someone who pushes a liberal left wing agenda that represents only the most extreme radical members of our community?

  9. There appears to be more to this than meets the eye. Democrats are caught with their hand in the cookie jar abusing a state computer to defame the mayor and his family, and one after another they come out of the woodwork falsely blaming Republicans for their handiwork. The only thing that surprised me is that they didn't find a way to blame it all on George Bush.

    I agree with the Debaser that nothing fits, and it appears that Gerratana is nothing more than the fall guy for someone higher up in the Democratic political food chain. When you consider who stands to gain the most out of the attacks on the mayor and his family, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who Gerratana could possibly be covering for?

  10. Pratt & Whitney stated today 09/21/09 it will begin closing the Cheshire overhaul and repair plant and a related unit in East Hartford in 2010, eliminating 1,000 CT jobs...and here in New Britain... Rep. Tim O’Brien campaigning for Mayor’s Office - stated that if elected he would bring manufacturing jobs back to New Britain.

    This is a novel idea, but unrealistic one considering that the majority of manufacturing jobs (like Pratt & Whitney)were moving either to more business friendly states, or overseas to countries where labor markets are much lower.

    However, candidate O’Brien’s has stated in his current campaigning that NB voters are seeking someone like Tim who can bring back a time of “new beginnings” by bringing back home some 27,400 industrial manufacturing jobs that once made New Britain the Hardware City of the World.

  11. The Debaser asked:
    Swine in New Britski...Assistant to Mayoral Candidate Tim O'Brien is Out...Was He the Pawn for Campaign Elders?

    Great question. I bet we never know the truth about this either.

  12. swine is a good way to describe the DTC under the leadership of little mack.

  13. Frank,
    A better question you should be asking is why a State Representative would issue a scathing public attack against the Republican party 3 days after he admits that he knew that the unethical behavior was committed by his own office staff at the capitol.

    Apparently Representative O'Brien must think the rest of us are really stupid?

  14. In the wake of this scandal, among others, it makes me fairly certain that Mayor Stewart will win re-election, but what we need to focus on now is getting rid of Sherwood and his cronies.

    I find it ironic that even if the entire Team Stewart Ticket was elected there would still be more democrats and unaffiliated alderman than there republicans on the current council. Perhaps it is time New Britain focus on a true bipartisan agenda that will put the voters first.

  15. you know how you can tell if he is lying? just watch to see if his lips are moving!
