Wednesday, October 7, 2009



Acorn’s CEO Bertha Lewis has been on your TV News for the past several days denouncing the investigations by several State Attorneys General of the fraudulent tactics generated by Acorn using monies provided by Congress and the alleged elections fraud.

What Ms. Lewis neglects to point out is that she is also the co-chair of the Working Families Party in New York. Here in New Britain, the Working Families Party has endorsed several of the Democratic endorsed slate--citing that by their accepting the endorsement, they agree to promote all the radical ideology that this organization supports during their tenure in office. Glenn Beck recently quoted Ms. Lewis on this subject: "Candidates know that when they’re on our line, they’re committed to certain things,” explains Bertha Lewis, who moonlights as WFP co-chair and New York ACORN executive director. Speaking days before Hillary won her Senate seat in 2000, Lewis noted, “Hillary knows that if she wins, we’re going to be knockin’ on her door. She won’t be able to hide.”

Do you really want your city run by candidates who have committed to answering the door when Bertha Lewis and her disciples come knocking?

The names of the New Britain Candidates that have accepted the endorsement of the working families party will be mentioned along with their bio’s on meet the candidates segment of this Blog.


  1. Well Tim O’Brien cannot hide from his close relationships with acorn and WFP. Remember the NEW BRITAIN HERALD story?
    O'Brien 'proud' to get Working Parties endorsement

    Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:46 PM EDT
    Staff writer
    NEW BRITAIN — State Rep. Tim O’Brien got a ringing endorsement Saturday from the Connecticut Working Families Party. O’Brien, who will face Republican incumbent Mayor Tim Stewart this fall, spoke to supporters in front of City Hall.

    … O’Brien said. “That’s why, as the Democratic candidate for mayor, I am proud to accept the Working Families endorsement.”.... If the mayor’s battle is a battle of ‘Tim’s’, Tim O’Brien has the steel toe,” said ACORN official Bertha Lewis. “He has the Working Families Party behind him.”…To O’Brien she said: “Get a pair of steel-toed boots and put ‘WFP’ on each toe and you’ll win.”

    That's correct, Tim Obrien will have someone knocking at his door if elected and apparently he's ok with that!!

  2. Actually, as I read it, Tim O'Brien said he was proud that he would have ACORN knocking at his door, if elected.

    Is this what you want in a mayor?

  3. Someone should ask O'Brien if he would close down the city web site to only allowed invited visitors, the way he requires a user name and password to visit his community news?

    Now isn't that transparency in government?

  4. Even Congress is running from ACORN, but we could end up with a mayor who is proud to embrace them?

  5. What door are we talking about ?

    The one on Monroe St. in New Britain or the one in Manchester.

  6. wouldn't it have to be the one in Manchester, can he reach the one on Monroe Street from his home?


    Breaking: Cross-Dressing Escort Registered by ACORN Imprisoned for Voter Fraud, ACORN Probe Continues in Ohio
    by Matthew Vadum

    ACORN just can’t seem to stay away from hookers.

    The activist group, which has long worked with criminals as it preys on the weak and the troubled, is on the verge of yet another public relations catastrophe.

    That’s because a cross-dressing Ohio male escort whom ACORN registered multiple times to vote was convicted of full-fledged vote fraud in addition to the lesser crime of voter registration fraud. A spokesman for Cleveland prosecutor Bill Mason (an elected Democrat) confirmed yesterday that a local investigation of ACORN remains wide open.

    The conviction of Darnell Nash, apparently known by several aliases including Serina “Sexy Slay” Gibbs, is hugely significant for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that ACORN has long maintained that vote fraud, as opposed to the lesser crime of voter registration fraud, essentially never happens.

    It appears to be another historic first for ACORN.

    ACORN’s Ohio chapter had a run-in with another alleged prostitute last fall.

    A woman named Shari Bell who was allegedly a crack cocaine user, prostitute, and ACORN worker, was arrested on drug and prostitution charges in October. Bell was arrested by Cincinnati police after she allegedly offered an undercover cop sex for money. Police found a crack pipe in the pocket of her coat.
