Thursday, October 1, 2009

Big Government » Blog Archive » Massive Voter Fraud in NY Linked to ACORN


  1. The Working Families Party AKA Acorn are out working in New Britain during this municipal election. They have been canvassing our neighborhoods in preparation for November 3rd.

    Remember who put the WFP on the NB voter Map? Leslie Jacobs! She ran on the Working Families Ticket when the Republican Party would no longer endorse her due to her poor BOE performance. Where is Leslie during this election? I thought the democrats had welcomed her over to their side. Looks like she
    is now partyless.

  2. Leslie Jacobs was being used by the Democrats. She is a big waste of time for everyone concerned.

  3. Maybe someone should be looking into ACORN's activities here in NB?

  4. Come to the NB Library today at 4:30 in the Community Room. SEIU/Acorn will be pushing their WFP endorsed candidates.

  5. All this about the corruption of ACORN, and we have a list of candidates in New Britain who embrace them as something to be proud of??????
