Thursday, October 1, 2009

Candidate meeting leads to confusion - The New Britain Herald (

By James Craven staff reporter


Anonymous said...

Why would a taxpayer support a candidate that is in bed with the union? That is the last thing you want in your chief executive.

Anonymous said...

Nice use of a public building for secret meetings to meet with only the ultra liberal candidates. Our taxpayer funded facilities should be used more fairly.

Anonymous said...

It's all a well orchestrated plot to out-seat our current mayor. This community has been targeted by
the political cult WFP/Acorn. Our local democrats are at the forefront of socialism in America.
They seek further control of our freedoms and our hard earned money.
Everytime you pay your taxes, property, sales tax, fees you are putting your own dollars in the hands of these cult based socialists. New Britain has been targeted for control because most residents are registered democrats who for some reason have seen to it to put a Republican mayor in charge for the last 3 terms. It's Acorns goal to road block his 4th term and the possibility of democratic losses on the council.

Tim O'Brien arranged the meeting and the invitation sent to union members was intentionally written
to say "Mayoral Candidates" so that
it would appear that Mayor Stewart
didn't show up. How can the Union make a decision without meeting both candidates?

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the answer is that the union already decided without even considering the candidates. All that matters to the socialist unions is the "D" next to a person's name regardless of that person's character, or lack there of, as the case may be. It is a pathetic way of doing business, to not even consider the individuals involved and make an informed decision and side with a person for his/her membership in a particular party because that party espouses your own radical position.

Anyone who follows that logic deserves what they get.

Change we can believe in!

Anonymous said...

More thuggish tactics by the Working Families Party candidate. What are they so afraid of? Why do they oppose an open dialogue? Are they afraid you will find out the truth about their candidate by an open debate?

Mike W said...

Why are my tax dollars paying for a room and lights, etc for a union endorsement of any candidate when that union is not attached to our city employees groups?

Anonymous said...

The Tim O'Brien one-on-one candidate and/or candidates meeting on 10/01/09 at the Community Room - New Britain Public Library - 20 High Street - confirms the political fact that candidate O'Brien is in bed with NB local SEIU 1199 Union and SEIU Political Action Director Jennifer Smith and other political action groups WFP/Acorn.

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