Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This debate between Mayor Timothy Stewart and Mayoral hopeful Tim O’Brian will be held tonight at the High School Auditorium or it’s Lecture hall across the hall from the auditorium.

Starting at 7 P. M. sharp.


  1. Will this include public questions or will the questions be pre-set?

  2. Why would anyone support a candidate that is endorsed by the radical arm of ACORN (the working families party) and is also beholden to the unions?

    O'Brien has a long record of supporting raises and increased benefits for public employees--all at the expense of state taxpayers.

    Now you want to put him in city hall where he can roll over for city unions and give them everything, and then taxpayers like us will be left to pay for it.

    How can any taxpayer support such a candidate?

  3. That's a good question to ask him at the debate tonight.

  4. I would be careful about believing anything O'Brien says at the debate. Just look at his radical record in the legislature, and that will tell you all you need to know about exactly what an extremist he really is.

    He will likely do like Obama and tell you whatever he needs to, to get elected, and then do what he wants to further his liberal agenda at the expense of all of us.

    Look at his voting record for supporting higher taxes, more spending, and giving unions whatever they want, and that is what you can expect in the mayor's office if he were to be elected.

  5. How long into the debate before O'Brien begins to cry? We all know how much he hates confrontation. This should be fun to watch!

  6. Someone should check O'Brien for wires to make sure McNamara isn't feeding him the answers through a microphone, like a puppet!

  7. After watching O'Brien hiding with his back turned on a 4 minute video, because he was apparently terrified someone might recognize that he was involved in the "meet the candidates" event where the Republican candidates were excluded from the meeting, it should be comical to see him have to answer questions without being fed the answers by his master.

  8. Did anyone ever get the details on who was using a state vehicle to distribute O'Brien campaign signs, as was reported on here previously?

  9. Great News! Tim O'Brien is going to lower property taxes for seniors and he is going to balance the city budget and make up the difference by relying on increased property values provided by cleaned up blighted properties. Now that is budgeting we can all count on.

  10. Sounds like O'Brien is using Obama-style accounting. Obama says he is going to spend billions on health care, and it isn't going to cost a dime, because he is going to pay for it by eliminating waste and abuse in Medicare.

    Do you believe either of these socialists!

  11. HARTFORD-CT: Pratt & Whitney stated it will closing the Cheshire overhaul and repair plant and a related unit in East Hartford in 2010, eliminating 1,000 CT jobs plus 410 P&W jobs in Quebec Canada - while here in New Britain with Rep. Tim O’Brien campaigning for Mayor’s Office - he stated that if elected he would bring some manufacturing jobs back to New Britain CT.

    This is a novel idea, but unrealistic one considering that the majority of manufacturing jobs (like Pratt & Whitney)were moving either to more business friendly states, or overseas to countries where labor markets are much lower.

    However, candidate O’Brien has stated in his current campaigning that some NB voters are seeking someone like Tim O'Brien who can bring back a time of “New Beginnings” by bringing back home those 27,400 industrial manufacturing jobs that once made New Britain the Hardware City of the World.

  12. A Question to MR. O'Brien about NEW BRITAIN COMMUNITY NEWS WEBSITE: This blog is open to invited readers only...(WHY? Mr. O"Brien)

    It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author (Tim O'Brien) and request an invitation...(WHY? Mr. O'Brien have you closed NEW BRITAIN COMMUNITY NEWS WEBSITE:)

  13. I suspect that O'Brien will be made to look more foolish than ever, after facing off with Mayor Stewart.
    (Remember how Nixon was when debating Kennedy in their debates in 1960?)

  14. State Representative and candidate for Mayor, Tim O'Brien focuses on property tax reform. He has introduced many a bill at the state level to reduce property taxes paid by the low and middle class and seniors. While aiming to lower taxes collected, Mr. O'Brien also supports increased spending for education, new city magnet schools, higher wages, creating green workplaces and green jobs. All of these initiatives cost alot of money. How is Tim O'Brien going to do more with less is my question? When asked how he plans to fund the difference between lowering taxes and balancing the city budget, Mr. O'Brien's answer was, cleaned up blighted properties with increased assesments will cover it. When pressed, he said "well, we'll have to see how it goes?". At the state level Mr. O'Brien has had various concepts of property tax reform. One suggestion is re-distributing and raising taxes in wealthier communities and spreading the dollars to low income communities such as New Britain. That's great on the receiving end but thus far his legislative peers have not agreed with his plan.

    As a homeowner and taxpayer in New Britain Mr. O'Brien's policies are
    of great concern. Mr. O'Brien would bring to NB a tax and spend philosophy which would hit all tax
    payers right in our pockets, including senior citizens.

    For six years Mayor Tim Stewart has balanced the city budget, held the line on taxes and when presented with state mandated re-assessment, reduced the mill-rate.
    Mayor Stewart is committed to holding the line on taxes and works
    hard everyday to bring new economic
    development and business to the city to off-set the demands on residential tax payers. These are real, hardworking solutions and not
    the cop-out of seeking a hand-out.

    Mayor Stewart has alot of good work and development under-way right now. We need to support his efforts by re-electing him on November 3rd. This term we need to provide him a council that will work toward a common good as well.

  15. Once again O'brien misses the mark--listen to the actual words that come out of his mouth: Lots of BUZZWORDS- blight, education, lower taxes, green jobs, senior tax relief, slumlords . When asked how he was going to fund ALL of these projects his answer was by "charging Blighted property owners the taxes they would pay if their property wasn't blighted" That is laughable- I doubt that money could even fund the 750K for the senior tax program. The man has no plan for the city of New Britain- he is just going to throw empty promises around. I hope the voters are smarter than that and stick with Mayor Stewart- a man with a real plan, a plan that is already working.

  16. It would appear to me that O'Brien has studied the Obama campaign really well. You never commit to any specifics, make general promises that no one can pin you down on, such as "change we can believe in" and then in reality you are promising nothing.

    I also believe if O'Brien were elected, the results would be similar to what we are seeing with Obama--not much more than constant speeches full of rhetoric and very little substance.
