Monday, October 12, 2009

RTC Lashes Out At O'Brien | New Britain RTC


  1. The RTC raises some very valid points, basically pointing out the truth behind O'Brien's constant rhetoric.

  2. Seven years as state rep and O'Brien with DeFronzo, Tercyak and Geragosian NOW realize New Britain property taxes are hurting property owners?

    NOW O'Brien will champion property tax relief IF Mayor. Other than chasing businesses out of Connecticut what have you been doing?

    Your anti-business legislation is killing jobs and thus killing communities. How many more jobs and homes have to be lost before you four start working for US?

  3. Has Rep. O'Brien done anything as State Rep to champion property tax relief for ALL of Connecticut property owners? If not, Why not? No wonder people are leaving the state in droves!!

  4. The only thing I have ever seen Rep. O'Brien champion regarding taxes usually involves raising them to support social programs.

    For example, O'Brien voted for the 30% across the board income tax on every business in the state, which the governor had to veto--because it would have destroyed countless businesses in this state.

    Another example, he voted for the massive increases in every fee charged by the motor vehicle department, which the governor had to veto to save us from this massive taxation scheme.

    See any patterns here?

    O'Brien support huge taxes and Governor Rell must save us from him.

    If you make him Mayor, Jodi Rell will no longer be there to save you from his destruction.
